Video Diary 2

Jun 23, 2011 18:17

[The communicator flickers to life once more, and Andrea's confused face once more appears]

Uh, can anybody hear this? Am I really mad? Is this really an asylum? What was the farm? Where did it go? I didn't imagine it, did I?  
...Maybe I really am mad.

[Suddenly, a fierce look comes into her eyes]

I'm not staying here. I want to go home, RIGHT NOW. ( Read more... )

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[ Video ] ro_eltyeir June 25 2011, 11:59:23 UTC
[ Another kid in here?! DAMN YOU LINDA

Hi, have this kind of flaily big sis peering at Rea all worried-like. ] You were at the farm too? [ How did she not notice--then again, her child self was kind of a wallflower... ] Never mind. You're sane. It's just that...this place isn't...


Re: [ Video ] rea_norton June 25 2011, 17:06:03 UTC
Farm...village... That was HERE? [She's suspicious] I didn't see you there. Only children... And those men. Who were they? Do they live here too? Whereever 'here' is... And what do you mean? The place is insane? Who are you anyway?


ro_eltyeir June 25 2011, 17:28:33 UTC
[ Wow, okay, that's too many questions, even for big sis! ] Okay, first of all, calm down. I know this is kind of crazy, and I don't really believe much of it myself, but yeah, I'm told that farm place or whatever is here, or the asylum transports us there...or something like that. This is how this place is insane--none of us can figure it out, and a lot of them are around longer than I have!


rea_norton June 25 2011, 18:01:40 UTC
[glaring] You've not answerred my question. Who are you?

If this place 'transports' us there, then there must be a way out. And I'm gonna find it, because I am NOT staying here.


ro_eltyeir June 25 2011, 18:35:10 UTC
[ Luka likes kids but this one is really testing her patience!

Calm down, calm down. No need for you to lose it when one of you has to stay calm! ] I'm Luka Megurine! A prisoner here, too. [ And it is at this moment that she feels a very strange and unwelcome camaraderie with RED Medic. ]


rea_norton June 25 2011, 18:38:02 UTC
Well, Luka Megurine, I'm Andrea. Or Rea if you want. And I am NOT going to be a prisoner. I've had enough and I'm leaving. Do you want to come?


ro_eltyeir June 25 2011, 18:42:32 UTC
[ S--So forward--! ] Yeah...that's the thing. It's not that easy, otherwise we'd all have been gone by now.


rea_norton June 25 2011, 19:25:57 UTC
Well, you've obviously not looked hard enough. If we got in here, then there must be someway to get back out.


ro_eltyeir June 26 2011, 06:53:12 UTC
[ Not looked hard enough? Big sis is getting overwhelmed by the obnoxious here. ]

Yeah, we're sort of working on it. Hacking into the systems and all that.


rea_norton July 4 2011, 07:18:09 UTC
[Whitheringly] Why don't we just knock the walls down? Or burn them down? Or use the ventilation system?


ro_eltyeir July 5 2011, 06:27:01 UTC
[ Oh you did not just--! ] Some kid here already tried to blow the walls down! [ And she's seen him blow other stuff as well. He is not to be taken lightly. ]


rea_norton July 5 2011, 07:23:58 UTC
[Exasperatedly] Then use a different method. Burn them. Use the sewage system. There has to be a delivery entrance at least, doesn't there? Has nobody thougt to get out there?


ro_eltyeir July 5 2011, 11:44:07 UTC
Of course we have! [ She pauses for a bit, rubbing her temples. It won't do much considering what she is, but it distracts her a little from the frustration. ] I'm not too crazy about living here, myself, especially after all that's happened. [ Rea seems like the type not to believe any explanation she can offer until she sees it for herself. In some ways she reminds Luka of herself and that can get a little. Taxing. ] But I'm gonna find a way out of here one way or another or keep you guys from danger!


rea_norton July 5 2011, 16:50:30 UTC
[determindly] And I am gonna help you. I don't need ANYBODY to help keep me out of danger. I can look after myself. [yay for a leader though. Andrea's a hopeless leader, though excellent at following orders - when she wants to]


ro_eltyeir July 6 2011, 15:06:31 UTC
[ Luka herself isn't leader material, but she's especially protective of those younger than her. So she won't be commenting further on Rea not needing her to keep out of danger. Big sis will help her if she needs it. ]

That's great, then. We can form some sort of buddy system the next time the asylum gets weird or something.


rea_norton July 6 2011, 17:07:18 UTC
Does it do that often then? [Andrea suddenly looks absolutely terrified. She did not like that farm, or the village] It was horrible. I don't want to experience anything like that ever again.


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