+++1+++ // Level A

Sep 24, 2010 11:29

[Just like his current inmates - because what else were they? - Yuri has spent the majority of the morning either trying to kick down the door and cursing the people that put him here. His bad mood escalates when he realizes he can't access Amon or any of his other fusions to properly blow the door to smitherins. Yes, an explanation was overdue here. If they somehow managed to mess with his fusions there would be hell to pay. Did they think it easy to subdue demon souls all over again while being cursed by a christmas ornament that stole away his very self? He'd already tried his luck with the weird blinking contraption and luckily he must have done something right when the door clicks. He kicks it open for good measure and stalks down the hallway wearing his regular leathers, the straps from his pack swishing with the movement of his hips. If anything, his eyes look even a brighter crimson burning with malice]

Alright, whoever's responsible for this joint come right over so I can kick your ass! [he calls out for good measure. Not that he expects them to]

((I'm in GMT unlike most of you I expect? Also, Yuri's extra ability are emoticons over his head at times that I'll properly depict in the subject lines of comments. You can see an example of them here))

yuri volte hyuga

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