Here is an example of a simple generator layout. For a layout like the example, you will need a
background image. The example layout has a repeating background, customized navigation links, and custom colors in the custom colors box in the Modify Journal page.
Request Form
Screen Resolution:
Browser (Internet Explorer? Mozilla?):
Page title:
How many entries per page?
Background Image Link:
Background Position(left, right, center, repeat):
Background Color:
Entry Position:(left, right, center)
Entry size:
Entry border:
Entry box Inside Color:
Entry box Outside color:(if different)
Entry Font (Arial, Times New Roman, etc):
Entry Font Size:
Entry Font Color:
Entry Link Colors:
Entry Link Hover Effects:
Text Effects
Filter Effects
Date/time font color:
Date/time font size:
Subject font color:
Subject font size:
scrollbar-track-color: color;
scrollbar-face-color: color;
scrollbar-highlight-color: color;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: color;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: color;
scrollbar-shadow-color: color;
scrollbar-arrow-color: color;
Comments Links:
Comments font color:
Comments font size:
Post Comment:
Read Comments:
Image or symbol between (if any):
Regular navigation, or write your own navigation links* (if writing your own, please provide them)?
Do you want your icon to show?
*If you want customized navigation links, be sure to
define a website in your userinfo or they will not work!