The great outdoors

Mar 28, 2007 09:14

Everything is blooming here. The pollen is so thick that it's piled up on the sides of the street. Luckily I am not allergic, but only sneeze when it gets in my nose like dust. Since I'm not all itchy and watery-eyed I find this time of year quite lovely. It's still cool enough that the mosquitos are not out yet, but it's warm enough for shorts and sandals. I'm going to savor it while it lasts, because it won't be long before it's over.

Today I'm supposed to be working in the yard, but I'm procrastinating. I have to mow the lawn and plant lots of flowers that SickBoy and I picked out yesterday. He chose lots of snapdragons (or, as he used to refer to them, slapdragons) and I picked dianthus. We also have jessamine and herbs and strawberries. I can't wait to plant the tomatoes and okra in a few weeks. For someone who can't keep houseplants alive, I sure do like gardening.

I should also mention that in gardening, as in all parts of my life, I am a nerd. I like to look up weeds and wildflowers in my Audubon books, just to know what they are before I pull them.

Okay, I'll have breakfast then get outside. Nature calls.

life is real

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