There are a lot of things I haven't said in my life.
That's true for almost everyone, I think.
I've been tweeting a lot of pictures of my animals and trying to be motivating and uplifting and let people tell their stories. All stories matter. Yours matters. If there is anything I could do in this weird world, I wish I could convince everyone that their stories matter, that other people matter, that we all matter.
I'm in a new anthology that's coming out and it was hard for me to write the piece that I donated. I'm not used to writing being hard. I'm used to writing being easy, being an escape from the bad things, a place where I can make my own world and control what happens in that world in a way that I can't control what happens in my own.
But sometimes you have to write the hard things even when you don't want to.
This was one of those times.
All net proceeds from Things We Haven’t Said will be donated to support survivor services.
The book
"This book will save hearts.
This book will save minds.
This book will save lives."
--A.S. King, author of Still Life with Tornado and I Crawl Through It
"Powerful, important and timely, this is a collection of voices that tell, in their own words, what it means to be a survivor--a message of hope and healing that belongs on every young person's bookshelf."
--Amber Smith, New York Times bestselling author of The Way I Used to Be and The Last to Let Go
"Challenging, heartbreaking and ultimately healing...a beautiful firsthand account from rape survivors about the impact of sexual assault on their lives."
--Christa Desir, author of Fault Line, Bleed Like Me, and Other Broken Things
Me on a beach in New Hampshire with the awesome Joe
This is me before the thing that I hadn't said happened. This was my boyfriend, Joe. He's a good human. Remember how I blogged about when I got
epilepsy. This is how I got epilepsy.
Silence is a powerful thing. And breaking silence, around heavily stigmatized issues such as sexual violence, can sometimes seem impossible, especially for those who find themselves on the inside. This is particularly true for young people. Things We Haven’t Said: Sexual Violence Survivors Speak Out features a lot of talented contributors, and is literally giving voice to those who need help speaking up and getting help. The book - made up of essays, poems, letters, vignettes, interviews, and concrete information - breaks the silence and verbalizes the experiences of these victims and, in doing so, creates a chorus of hope for children and young adults who have experienced similar abuse.
The book comes out Feb. 6.
You can preorder it here or anywhere.
Writing Prompt:
What haven't you said? What are you afraid to say?
Random Other Writing and Work News:
I handed back my first three packets to my students at the Writing Barn today and I am so amazed by them and how awesome they are. They are gifts to this world.
I'm starting a podcast. The landing page will be
on my website. What do you like about podcasts? What do you hate? I'll try not to do the hate things.
Also, on
my website are the stories of how my books like the
NEED series or
TIME STOPPERS came into being,
how I paint to get more into my stories, or more info about me and all that stuff that's supposed to be on websites.
RAINN is an organization that helps survivors of sexual violence if you need help and you want to start looking for resources.