WIP Whoops It's Thursday

Apr 26, 2012 10:23

Yesterday was the last day of class of the semester-(and of my current college career, eeee! I'm feeling both excited and weird. Sleeping in this morning was nice though)-so I was a little distracted from posting. But I do have a new WIP this week! Technically I have two, but I didn't photograph the other one. It's not very visually exciting.

So! On the loom, FINALLY, is a warp for kitchen towels for my favorite mother. She likes white and red, and I just worked out an interesting goose-eye twill draft to go with that. Honestly the warp is not one of my favorites. It's got the most ends I've ever worked with in a single warp-395-and they liked to stick together, so threading the heddles was awful and irritating. (The yarn is 22/2 Cottolin.) I feel a lot better now that it's ready to weave, though. My ebil plan is to weave off one towel, pull it off the loom and use it as my "sample" (and keep it for myself, bwahaha), then fix the two threading errors I found, then weave off the next three for my mom. She'll never know!

(She might know that I'm weaving for her, though. My loom lives not at my apartment but in her basement. It has a very nice nook there, but it's not terribly helpful for keeping things like this a secret.)

I'm also knitting some worsted-weight socks for my grandma, who is coming out for my graduation next week, but like I said, they're not terribly visually interesting, at least not on the needles.

This entry was originally posted at http://carrie-ironhorse.dreamwidth.org/10930.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

wip wednesday, weaving

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