awww they are the cutest bunnies I have seen in a very long time. Although your little white one reminds me of Monty Python and the Holy Grail bunny but still cute. But I want to steal your black one...I like black :).
lol ok ok I think your bunny is the cutest bunny I have ever seen :-)...hey Lily has issues too she doesn't look evil but she is. So our children all have their own thing :-).
she is the cutest, im glad you got it straight! My friend fowarded me the pics of my halloween party, dont get exicted, they all suck. I just posted them on LJ, go look at my latest post.
everyone hates on my little Lucy. i love her so much, she is such a sweetheart, even if she is evil.
My friend fowarded me the pics of my halloween party, dont get exicted, they all suck. I just posted them on LJ, go look at my latest post.
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