Mar 05, 2007 17:42
How attached are you to the Academy Awards?
by Susan Thea Posnock:
1) I think about the Academy Awards:
a. Never (If you checked this you're a liar, since you're at this site)
b. Once a year
c. Once a month
d. Weekly
e. Daily**
f. "What was that? I was busy thinking about the Oscars"
2) I've daydreamed about what I'd wear to the Oscars:
a. Never
b. Once a year
c. Once a month
d. Weekly
e. Daily**
f. I have the outfit hanging in my closet, just in case
3) I begin prognosticating on who will win an Oscar:
a. While watching the Academy Awards (If I even bother)
b. About a month before the Oscars
c. At the beginning of Oscar season
d. When I see a film I like
e. When I see a trailer I like
f. The moment I hear a rumor that so-and-so is going to make a movie with you-know-who**
4) I release my Academy Awards-based aggression by:
a. What aggression?
b. Working out at the gym
c. Talking with people at work about the Oscars
d. Chatting with people online about the Oscars
e. Writing about the Oscars**
f. Running an in-depth Oscars web site or blog
5) When Martin Scorsese won the Best Director Oscar for The Departed, I:
a. Snored loudly and scratched myself
b. Glanced briefly at the television set in my beer haze
c. Cheered or jeered (politely), depending on my particular feelings**
d. Jumped up in either joy or disgust
e. Cried
f. Exclaimed either "Woo hoo" or "Ahhhh," jumped up on a chair, pumped my fist in the air (or gave the television set the finger), then collapsed and wept uncontrollably
How to score:
If you selected "A" to any of these, you're probably someone I spammed to read my latest article.
If you selected "B" to any of these, you have a passing interest in the Academy Awards.
If you selected "C," "D," or "E," to any of these, you have a progressive (mild to intense) interest in the Oscars.
If you selected "F" to any of these, then you've probably started work on your Oscar 2008 chart.
Take a deep breath. Only a year until Oscar's 80th birthday party.
haha. cute. cute and true. :)