Diarreah of the mouth

May 17, 2004 14:25

yesterday had to be the shittiest of shit days in a while. Thankyou to those who participated in making it that way. And Thank you to those of you, who after midnight, made things much better.

As of late i have found myself driving around in complete oblivion. i'm kinda seeking purpose.
i'm kinda seeking a place to live. i think im going to check out the old loft by larry's. it was always so nice there. and when i hear that fucking ocean avenue song i wont feel bad.

Quin says he's leaving for the navy on the 15th... or 16th of June. (on a side note: shout out to 15/16) yeah it sucks. I'll for sure miss him. he's so pretty even though he cut his hair. Last Monday night we went to the beach. It was super awesome. One of those let loose your inhibitions type of things. It was great. especially when the Zombies kept appearing out of nowhere. *shudders* yeah, im definitely going to miss him when he leaves. the mother told me i should go join the navy. hah. no thanks.

Julie and Abe think i should invite Seth to church this sunday. i bet Amy-Faith would like that. i would too but... people have to actually talk to me to hold my attention. talk, or dance around naked. mmm. nudity. reminds me of sex. something i love dearly. too bad it's something im not getting on a regular basis. Dont get me wrong, im not whining. Im just leading into my next topic of conversation.

dun dun dun! love. and sex.

ive been spending alot of time with a certain ex of mine. one of whom i love dearly and every so slightly queerly. we laugh, we joke, we smile, and i love it. and then he goes and reminds me of why he and i arent together. and no he didnt say "C-D, your boobs are the right size for my liking but your butt is too big." but he just sits around and doesnt have a job and drinks and smokes all the time and lets his current girlfriend type device support him. and he tries to look like a pirate. dont worry, i dont get it either. in anycase, my point. sitting right there is someone so compatible with me, but yet so incompatible. there has to be someone out there who i can coexist in harmony with!

i spent a good bit of last night running around being a ninja by myself. it sucked mainly because i had on flip flops,but also because i didnt have a partner in crime. no one to boost me onto the rooftop or watch my back as a crossed a barrier. so instead, i sat on the sidewalk with andy and ching. both wanted to be compatible with me for at least 10 minutes if you know what i mean verne. what's to become of those nights upstairs in AMC reenacting fight scenes because we just saw Blade 2 and then making up some our selves. will i ever be able to make another "Wesssiiide er i mean Gate" video? Who else am i supposed to think about when i ride the skyway. Am i supposed to swim at the beach at night alone from now on? How many times will i have to play "tell me story of all your scars" before i find scars as interesting as when you were attacked by wolves? i know i have alien babies in my wrists, but c'mon! i dont want to sing unchained melody by myself. i dont want to eat bagels and apple butter in someone else's living room. who will sit on my feet to keep them warm? where will i find someone who's comfortable with punching me in the stomach if i hook left into his face? will anyone walk me to my car because im scared after watching scary movies? with who else can i sit in silence for hours and be perfectly okay with. argh. i feel like a mother without any kids. or a baker without any bread. i need someone to buy me another pair of magic underpants. i need a muse.
fuck, i need a mirror. and lots of strangers to bestow my love upon. i need to give up on it entirely.
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