Hello, again!

Mar 04, 2011 13:59

For some reason, I think I thought my blog posts were being replicated here or that I'd directed people to the LJ feed of my blog which is here.  I didn't set up that feed (thanks to whoever did!) and don't know how to modify it.  If I had my druthers it would be an easy way for people to still read my blog via their friends list (which, for me, is the only way I really know how to aggregate all the blogs I want to read).

However, it wasn't until recently when a friend said, "You really gave up on blogging entirely, didn't you" and I responded that sure I hadn't been blogging as much as I'd like but I was still at it and her response was, "o_0" that I realized perhaps I was missing something.  And I was: namely everyone on LJ.  in that, most of my LJ friends had no idea I'd been blogging somewhere else.

SO, I'm here to remedy that and I see several solutions.  First, because of the way my website is set up, the blogger blog is just always going to be my main blog.  I had to make a choice between LJ and Blogger when I did my website and I chose blogger (no idea why, I really like the embedded comments on LJ).  So, following or friending that feed (here's the link again) might be the best way to go.  Because won't the feed show all my posts from the blog?

Yes, this is where I show my ignorance on things like blog feeds.

Second, you can follow my blog.

Third, I'm going to try to always remember to just mirror the LJ to my blog.  Sometimes that works with pictures and formatting and sometimes it gets a little off.  But I'll try!

If y'all have any other thoughts or suggestions, please let me know!  And yes! I have been blogging!  You can read about my upcoming tour schedule, or teasers from The Dark and Hollow Places.  You can read about what I thought writing life was going to be like versus reality (which is still pretty awesome).  You can read about the story behind my dedication in The Dead-Tossed Waves where I talk about my step-father passing away.  I promise, I've been blogging!  And I promise about making those blogs more accessible to all my LJ friends.
So again, if any of y'all have suggestions of the best way to make sure I get my blog to everyone on both platforms, let me know!  And I'm so sorry it's been silent round these parts -- oops!
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