I love the hug generator on my profile page. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. :) Everyone should have one.
Hubs and I saw The Bourne Ultimatum last night. Hubby was a aflutter at the car chases/action sequences/ass kickings. I was mildly entertained. That Jason Bourne can really take a beating, though. He's a bit like the Energizer bunny. Takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'. Wait. That's a Seiko. Whatever. It was alright. It was shot in an interesting way, but parts of it made me a little dizzy.
I'll be gone Sunday through Thursday for a trip to NYC. I have tickets to see David Hyde Pierce in Curtains and we'll probably see a couple of more shows while we're there. I'll take lots of pictures and do a big picspam blog upon my return.
I've realized that in my absence, I'll miss two events; the first is
sue_bridehead's birthday. So, Happy Birthday, Sue, I hope it's phenomenal and you get everything you want; my best wishes go with you for the upcoming year! The second event is that Monday, August 6th is my one year anniversary of having this livejournal. *tear* This makes me very happy! My love for livejournal was almost instantaneous. I found my way here originally through reading fan fiction at FIA. While reading
rainpuddle13's and
dragonsangel68's stories, they mentioned LJ and once I finally wandered over to see what all the fuss was, I was hooked. I've met truly fabulous people from all over the world. There are people on my f-list not only from all over the continental United States, but also Austrailia, Canada, the UK, and Scandanavia, and my life is richer for having met you all. My f-list has grown exponentially; sitting down with a cup of coffee and reading LJ is one of my favorite things to do in the morning. I thank you all for blessing me, and I look forward to another fantastic year on livejournal!
Apologies for getting all sentimental. *sniff* See you Friday!