Movie Review Monday & The Ft. Worth Zoo

Apr 30, 2007 08:33

Netflix sent Oscar and Lucinda (1997) this weekend while we were gone.  Ironically, while we were visiting my mother she raved about how good this movie was and recommended it, and I already had it in my queue, as it turned out.  Anyway...  it's a fascinating character study, and the narration was interesting, rather like a documentary for the characters... or the commentary you get when you watch the special features of a DVD.  Not necessary, but helpful.  Ralph Fiennes is all kinds of awesome, and after the first 5 minutes I totally stopped imagining him with no nose and red eyes, he was really very good.  Cate Blanchett was young and pretty...  makes me wonder if she's had work done.  I was unprepared for the spectacularly unhappy ending.  When I recommend a movie, it's usually with a caveat; "It's sad. be forewarned".  Mom gave me none of that, and I can't even properly chastise her because she's on a cruise for the next week (poor girl)!  Even worse, Nolan has begun using the word "nab"  or "nabbed" and a euphemism for sex.  =P  Oh, dear.

The exchange fic is coming along.  I'd say that I have 3/4 of it written, and a quarter of it typed.  I abhor typing.  I do.  I got a lot done this weekend, staying up late and scribbling away.  It's gonna be a monster, probably longer than my last one.  Ah, well.  what're ya gonna do?

The weekend was really wonderful.  Tom & Nolan went to the Byron Nelson Golf Classic and mom and I stayed home and entertained the boys and ourselves.  Friday we went to the zoo, and Saturday we went to the park (there's a ridiculous amount of picspam under the cut).  We cooked, we drank good wine, the boys were introduced (via Papa Tom) to Rocky and Bullwinkle, and I have discovered my absolute love of Crystal Light Drink Mix in the 'Sunrise Ruby Red Grapefruit' flavor.  It's spectacular, and I'm not even a huge grapefruit fan.

Things I need to do:  Record the podcast (I have kind of a scratchy throat and deeper voice than normal right now; I might put that off for a few days) and I really must paint the boy's room this week and do touch-up paint in the rest of the house.  I MUST.  Tonight I have playwrighting class and have to go to Oklahoma! rehearsal so I can see if all of the props are being used properly.  Would it be rude to bring my ipod and listen to something else while I'm there?  (I'm kidding.  No I'm not.)

Have a good week everyone!

Granny and theboys step "into the map"                                      The sign is wrong.  The wild animals are right there.

Macaws!                                                                                            My mother's spectacular back yard...


flowers from mom's yard...

                                                                                                           Me and the boys...........

In-laws make strange bedfellows...  Hubby and Sammy.  If you knew how weird this was...

This is a bumper sticker Mom has on her refrigerator.  While I might not politically agree, I still think it's too, too funny.

pictures, playwrighting, recommendation, moview review, fan fiction, podcast, vacation

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