Hackers, Exchanges, Friendships & Memes

Apr 19, 2007 08:12

I've had my prompt for the d/g ficexchange for a week and the outlook is good.  I have the first chapter written, and it already looks like it's going to be another monster...15,000 words, maybe?  I'm at 2000 words and I'm 3/4 of the way through the exposition.  I'm actually researching stuff that already exists rather than making crap up, so that's different.  The prompt is pretty vague, anyway, so I'm not too concerned about disappointing her/him/it?

I Think someone is trying (poorly, I might add) to hack in to my gmail account.  Why, I ask you, would anyone try to do this?  That account doesn't hold the secrets of the universe.  It's mostly fandom stuff and friends.  I also use it to send pictures, as it does that more easily than my other one.  Not even naughty pictures.  Boring ones.  Seriously.  Nothing juicy there.  Quit it, already, huh?

Here's what I'm dealing with.  I have lost a friend.  I'm mourning this relationship, and I can't stop.  I was very close to this person, and then literally, in the span of a week, they got very terse with me, responded to me in one or two words, and began ignoring me altogether.  I'm not one of those people who's needy, so I tried to treat them the same way that I always had before they started getting snippy, with pleasant facial expressions and kindness, but it was met with negativity on just about every count.  It must be them, as nothing changed with me.  And I'm not about to ask them, "Did I do something to upset you?" as this is not junior high.  My feelings are the same as before.  I adore this person and had a lot of laughs and tons in common, and they know a lot of my deep, dark secrets.  So I miss them.  I miss our conversations.  And I'm sad.  Frankly,  I'm hoping that I can do the whole mourning process fairly quickly, as I'm a little sick of moping about it all.  Do I seem to be handing this correctly?

I also rented Supernatural, and I totally loved the pretty!  It's kind of creepy, and I screamed out loud at one point, but Jensen and Jared make up for it. 
numbaby, why didn't you force me to do this months ago?  I've watched to first 4 episodes, and I'll go get the rest of Season One today.  I'm also expecting the fourth disc of Firefly and Serenity from Netflix today.  It's gonna be a fun TV-watching weekend.

  1.  Where is your cell phone?

2. Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/lover?

3. Your hair?

4. Your mother?

5. Your father?

6. Your favourite item?

7. Your dream last night?

8. Your favourite drink?

9. Your dream car?

10. The room you are in?

11. Your ex?

12. Your fear?


13. What do you want to be in 10 years?

14. Who did you hang out with last night?

15. What you're not?

19. The last thing you did?

20. What are you wearing?

21. Your favourite book?

22. The last thing you ate?

23. Your life?


24. Your mood?

25. Your friends?

26. What are you thinking about right now?

27. Your car?


28. What are you doing at the moment?


29. Your summer?


30. Your relationship status?


31. What is on your tv?

Curious George

32. When is the last time you laughed?


33. Last time you cried?


34. School?


Alright.  I'm going to go try and get rid of a headache, I want to have lunch with a friend today, but won't be much fun if I feel like this.  Pei Wei opened in my town!  YAY, P.F. Chang's!

meme, friendship, firefly, supernatural, fan fiction

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