Quirky Kid Story

Aug 28, 2012 19:45

Oh the way home from dinner this evening...

Ethan. (Sticks a toothpick between his front teeth and turns to his mother) Hey! Look at me! I'm one of those.... Um... One of those...

Aaron. (From the backseat, helpfully) ...Idiots?

Carrie. (snaps fingers, is reproachful while stifling a giggle) AJ!

Aaron. Sorry.

Carrie. Ethan, he's sorry ( Read more... )

aaron, ethan, quirky kid story

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Comments 5

elle_blessing August 29 2012, 04:36:22 UTC


13oct August 29 2012, 07:54:35 UTC
lol I love the banter. :)


cosmo_jenny August 29 2012, 12:50:26 UTC
Yeah, there are a real thing.

And while the horn comes out of their foreheads, your son was indeed correct putting the toothpick in his mouth because as far as I know, the horn is an extra tooth.


mollywheezy August 29 2012, 13:12:26 UTC
LOL at the family banter. I have never seen ELF, but have seen a narwhal--25 years ago at an aquarium my family visited. So definitely a real thing.


humbuggirl August 29 2012, 16:05:34 UTC
I may have just watched a National Geographic vid on youtube because I still can't believe this is a real creature.


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