Aaron's not doing drag. Period.

Apr 02, 2012 18:14

Aaron: Who's Lady Gaga, again?

Me: She's the famous singer that wears lots of makeup and no pants.

Aaron: Why doesn't she wear pants?

Me: She doesn't like 'em, I guess.

Aaron: Neither do I, and I'm not famous!

Ethan: Try wearing as much makeup as her, and you might be!

Aaron. Please. No one wants to see that.
These kids. They slay me.

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aaron, via ljapp, cute kid story, ethan

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Comments 3

jandjsalmon April 3 2012, 03:02:52 UTC
*giggles* They are awesome.

And wait - Aaron doesn't like pants?


carrie_leigh April 3 2012, 03:06:04 UTC
Trousers, no. At the first hint that we're in for the night, he strips down to his boxers and that's how he rolls for the rest of the evening.


jandjsalmon April 3 2012, 03:11:02 UTC
LOL! It's like Bennett and his aversion to shirts. He'll wear pj pants and walk around without a shirt on in the house. Add to that his horrible posture (that makes him look like he has a gut) - and we end up calling him Randy (The Shirtless Guy in The Trailer Park Boys). *facepalm*


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