
Jun 06, 2011 11:25

☂ It's the anniversary of the Allies invasion of Normandy, but more to the point of this post, it's my wedding anniversary. Thirteen years ago, Nolankyle and I were married and then proceeded to re-enact storming the beaches of France and a World War II-like battle for the next four years. Fortunately, we achieved peace just shy of nuclear detonation. ( Read more... )

book rec, anniversary, television, life is fabulous, books

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Comments 9

20th high school reunion ticklethepear June 6 2011, 16:41:51 UTC
I'm glad I went to mine, if only to realize what I fun life I have compared to many of my other classmates!


13oct June 6 2011, 17:27:01 UTC
Congratulations Carrie and Nolan!!

I love u girl! *hugs* Also, fat girls rock. Spoken by a true fat girl.


stardust_20 June 6 2011, 17:36:15 UTC
Happy anniversary! May you survive many more without hitting WWIII. :)

You are so very lucky you can sit by the pool. It's been barely warm enough not to wear a coat here -- some days. Others it's still freaking' cold. *sigh* Where is summer? It's supposed to be 25C here every day now!

My high school reunion (if there was one, I wouldn't know) would be 25 this year. Ugh. I feel old sometimes. Mostly, actually. I hpoe you do manage to lose weight and go and have fun!


xoxrhapsodyxox June 6 2011, 20:02:11 UTC
Happy anniversary!

Btw, I'm glad you're reading the Outlander books. They are quite fabulous, though the first one is the best in my opinion!


filia_umbrae June 6 2011, 20:17:18 UTC
Happy anniversary, honey! I hope you have a lovely, relaxing day. Make sure that Nolan treats you right ^_~


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