Once More into the Beach, Dear Friends...

Jan 23, 2011 20:16

★ I worry about myself.

★ I just spent about a good minute trying to remember what those orange vegetables are called... you know, the ones with the green tops that Bugs Bunny eats?

★ *headdesk*

★ When Nolan told AJ that he was 'a couple of cans short of a six pack' this weekend, Aaron lifted his shirt, looked at his tummy and replied, "I don't have a six pack. I don't even have a four pack."

★ I finished plotting out a WIP. That's so very gratifying. Wrote a drabble for hp_humpdrabbles, and sent new chapter for for editing. I'm ALL accomplished. The writing drought is officially over. Whew. Thank goodness. I was getting a little mopey about it. I'm looking around for an rpg to write for, but can't find any that need whom I'm willing to write. :)

★ I've been sewing the heck out of a strapless, sparkly dress for Kiss of the Spider Woman. I'm thinking about making one for myself (minus the sparkly, spidery vibe) for the cruise I'm going on in February.

★ We're going on a cruise in February! I CAN'T WAIT.

★ I learned that friends are still friends even when we don't talk every day.

★ The scale won't move past thirteen pounds. I'd love to have lost 20 by the time we get on the boat. Lose it! is still my BFF. Counting calories and exercising. Go figure. :P Twenty-two more pounds to go.

★ Bond girls were curvier in the sixties. For that matter, so were women in during the renaissance. When did stick thin become what everyone wanted to be?

★ I learned that friends are still friends even when we don't talk every day.

★ Nolan just pointed out that James Bond must not have had to worry about STD's. He was kind of trampy. (But hot. Er, that's MY observation, not his.)

★ I need a new camera. Like, bad.

★ What do we think of Miss Me jeans? I tried some on and yes, they look great, but a hundred and something bucks is a lot to drop on a pair of pants, you know? And certainly not til I'm in the single digits, size wise.

★ It's distressing to have principles, at times.

★ That's it. My Sunday evening roundup. Do you have any news?

diet, flist, cute kid story, i'm an idiot, writing, weight loss, list, random, friends

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