A Seriously Random List

Nov 04, 2010 09:54

After thinking that today would be chock full of STUFF that I had to do, I find myself home, sipping on a homemade cafe mocha, and sitting ( Read more... )

random, lists, life is fabulous

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Comments 10

elle_blessing November 4 2010, 15:01:28 UTC
I like sitting too. Especially with coffee in hand.

Is now the time to plant all the bulbs? Like daffodils, tulips, ect?? I love irises.


carrie_leigh November 4 2010, 15:05:33 UTC
It is time. Well, here it is. They need a little time to root before the first hard freeze, I think.

I love irises, too, but mine were taking OVER, and we've only lived here two and a half years. Now they'll have room to take over other parts of the yard. :)


heyurs November 4 2010, 17:24:13 UTC

Oooohh! Thanks for the update on Granny. I've been concerned.

Cute! Cute as all get out! xD

hehehehe! Can't wait to see what your bigger problems are with that cuter than cute fella that you have. *g*


carrie_leigh November 4 2010, 19:16:14 UTC
She's tough. I still worry about her.

Thanks! I think so, too.

Oh, everyone has problems. Just different. And my cute fella starts his share. He's still cute, though.


heyurs November 5 2010, 00:30:33 UTC

Well I am still sending prayer for comfort and healing. ♥

He really is. It just tickled me so that he had a list. Can't wait to hear what becomes of it. xD


jandjsalmon November 4 2010, 19:49:33 UTC
Oh super scary about your grandma - so glad she's in therapy and doing well though.

I pretty much adore my bag and think it's the cutest thing in history - so I have a hard time believing your new bag is as cute - sorry. ;)

And thank you for the song at FB - I'm still feeling icky - but it helped lots.


carrie_leigh November 4 2010, 19:54:06 UTC
I can't believe Jay wouldn't sing it to you!

And I posted pics. Believe it, believe it.


jandjsalmon November 4 2010, 20:06:03 UTC
I know right!? He's a butt sometimes - but I love him (and his butt) so I will just have to live with dear friend who will sing to me when I'm sick instead.


goeungurl November 5 2010, 01:16:26 UTC
The list was your eight-year-old's? Haha. Did Aaron explain what the list was for?


carrie_leigh November 5 2010, 12:14:45 UTC
Apparently, the substitute told them to outline a science experiment. He was under the impression that he was going to get to BUILD it the next day.

He was a little miffed when I told him that wasn't going to happen with all the match and gas and so forth.


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