Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. I do a monthy contest, don't I?

Oct 10, 2010 09:49

October's contest. Should anyone be interested ( Read more... )


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Monster Mash (Part 2) filia_umbrae November 1 2010, 06:45:42 UTC
Castle's far more thrilled than any man ought to be when Lanie discovers the needle mark in the man's carotid artery, and the presence of an abnormal amount of epinephrine in his system.

"See," he looks smug. "Scared. To. Death."

"That isn't proof, Castle."

"It isn't not proof, either." She sighed heavily.

"Moving on. Ryan and Esposito got a match; the vic's prints were in the system. Vic's name is Noel Jackson, 24. Small time perp, big on B&E. Just got out of the correctional facility a few days ago. Apparently, he missed his appointment with his parole officer this morning."

"So why'd he end up dead in a tree from a heart attack?"


Her hands are starting to fall asleep, and though she can feel Castle's heat against her back, he still hasn't stirred. She tries not to think about the fact that it's looking more and more likely that they're going to die here.

Her fingers stretch out behind her, fighting against the zip ties. Her heart skips a beat when she feels the faintest brush of Castle's fingers against hers. She sighed in relief. At least he wasn't dead already. The knowledge loosens something in her chest she hadn't even realized was tight.


"Mm. Beckett?"

"Castle, " she twitches her fingers against his. "Are you all right?" He’s quiet for a moment.

"I had the strangest dream." She can't help the smile that splits her face.

"That wasn't a dream, that was the Halloween party, Castle." He sighs.

"Oh good, cause there are some things that I definitely do not want to forget about that party."

“I’m sure there are,” she mumbles drily. There are definitely parts that she wants to forget. Primarily the fact that they’d left the party together, and she’d gone off and acted like some damn rookie, fresh out of training. And taken him with her, to boot.

At least they’d found the killer.

Though she isn’t sure what that’s going to matter when he ends up killing them. His next words echo her thoughts.

“At least we found him.” He’s quiet for a beat, and she can feel him shift. “You have to admit that it was a rather brilliant deduction on my part that got us here.” She can’t help it. She snorts. Part of her wants to rail against him, and let him know just what she thinks of his “brilliant deduction” that got them in this mess. But she knows that she’s more angry at herself than at him, so she plays along.

“Your brilliant deduction? I don’t think so. The way I remember it, I was the one who had the breakthrough here." He laughs, and it's strained.

"Why don't we call it a joint effort. You have to admit that we work well together." Under normal circumstances, she'd never let him have the satisfaction. But this isn't a normal situation by any stretch of the imagination, and she doesn't want to let another person she knows die before she can say goodbye.


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