I'm as Corny as Kansas in August!

Jul 31, 2010 09:48

The last few days have been really relaxing! With the boys gone, Nolan and I have had date night (or date lunch) every day. It's been fantastic, really. We've been to restaurants and so forth, but last night I made homemade white pizzas and he read The Thin Man to me while we shared a bottle of Pinot Noir. It was kinda romantical. :)

September 16 - October 3 will be the production dates for South Pacific. It really has a phenomenally talented cast - when I looked at the list past my own name (selfish, selfish) I was floored by all the talent just in the chorus, not to mention the leads! So if you're going to be in the Amarillo area then, make plans to see it. Rehearsals start Monday, and I'm really excited. It's fun to know I have more to do than just the mundane things that go one here from day to day. Laundry, cooking, cleaning, sewing, painting, writing... Breaks up the monotony, you know?

I'm watching a copy of the movie version of South Pacific that I borrowed from my friend Scott. So far, it only makes me want to go on vacation to somewhere tropical. Like right now. The last time I watched it, I think I lived with deedsk_tx. And that was nearly fifteen years ago. Lord, we're old, D. ;) When did that happen?

And I know it might be silly, but waking up to this made me really, really happy, too.

And next weeks prompt is the best yet. :D

Life's pretty great.

rehearsal, movie, theatre, ron/pansy, drabbles, writing

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