The cute. It kills.

Feb 12, 2010 20:00

I made heart-shaped strawberry cake truffles today for a little valentine dance soiree we're attending this evening ( Read more... )

aidan, food, cuteness beyond belief, cooking, life is fabulous, photo essay

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Comments 9

13oct February 13 2010, 06:33:06 UTC
Wow I am soo very impressed with your skills. Is there anything that you can't do?!!

Yeah... girls are more impressed with stuff like the above. Taara is my willing and enthusiastic helper for all my culinary mishaps. The poor thing will even gush over my burnt offerings so yeah...

I'm with you though on the two kid limit. After the second kid, I was done. What ever the gender of the second kid, I was ready to get tied up. :p


carrie_leigh February 13 2010, 17:32:41 UTC
Is there anything I can't do?

Yep. Math. Numbers. Am hopeless.

I was done before I started; we never thought we have kids. Of course now that I have them, I lurrrrve them to itty bitty pieces. But I think we've done all that's humanly possible to ensure that the baby factory is shut down.


dragonsangel68 February 13 2010, 11:25:16 UTC
Wow! They not only look yummy, they're so pretty too!


carrie_leigh February 13 2010, 17:32:56 UTC
Thank you!


eustacia_vye28 February 13 2010, 14:42:07 UTC
those look so pretty! I'm definitely impressed. :)


carrie_leigh February 13 2010, 17:33:31 UTC
They weren't really that difficult, just a bit time consuming. Thanks!


heyurs February 14 2010, 03:43:16 UTC

White chocolate! White chocolate! You made some of them white chocolate! :D *skips around* Next time you can send the castoffs to ME! :D

*giggles madly*


carrie_leigh February 14 2010, 14:00:33 UTC
Ursula, baby, you KNOW that I love you more 'n my luggage, but 'white chocolate' is not CHOCOLATE. It's emulsified lethicin parading around, using chocolate's good name. ;)

But what I used is vanilla-flavored, almond bark candy coating, and the next time I make a batch, I'll certainly send you some. And not castoffs. The pretty ones. :)


heyurs February 14 2010, 18:10:45 UTC

*gigglesnorts*   xD

I'll be looking forward to that, INDEED!


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