He remembers you.
No, I'm kidding. But I think I seriously just creeped myself out.
Anyhoo, Frank still sits in the back garden mocking me, although he's getting a little overrun with daylilies and roses.
I hope he has allergies, the bastard.
*cough* Long story short for those new to the f-list, I have a creepy statuary owl named Frank (click the tag) in the backyard that stalks me from time to time.
What? Doesn't everyone?
So I get this email yesterday from a friend who lives all the way across town:
Subject: An owl
I just wanted to let you know that I have a friend of yours on the porch across the street that just stares at me. I need to take a picture and send it to you. I think it could be your owl's brother. Creepy!!
Maybe I'll see you tomorrow at the pool!
Dear God in Heaven above, they're BREEDING.
And I checked. It isn't Frank, moonlighting in someone else's yard. I looked and he's still out there.
Looks like a painting, huh?