Productivity is relative.

May 19, 2009 20:05

This is what I've been doing in my spare time lately.

carriescribbles  carriescribbles  carriescribbles

I've started a fan fiction archive, mostly so I can have all of my fan fiction at one place, and so that I don't have to go through the pain of posting on   I've already archived quite a bit, so feel free to friend and read, and comment if you're so inclined, without fear of a lot of spamming of your f-list .  I've got some D/G, some R/P, H/P, and even some other weird rare pairs in the mix, with more to come soon.  I'm on the cusp of finishing a Ron/Pansy that I really like, and have just started another that I'm rather fond of.

I also started magicscribbles , though I haven't yet done anything with it. And if you want to see a lot of fun stuff that seegrim  and I have written together, you can go to
magical_whimsy .

And there's also si_muove_rpg , where there's good stuff to read.

That's a lot of pimping for one post.  Anyway, JOIN!

recommendation, hp, writing, magical whimsy, self indulgence, fan fiction, si_muove, narcissism

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