Meme, meme, my kingdom for a meme...

Jan 13, 2009 09:24

Age: 35 (Yes, I realize that's about to change.)

Location: Amarillo, Texas

Job: Acting teacher at the Amarillo Little Theatre Academy, actress, wife, mother, writer, head cook and bottle washer.

Education: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Arts

Favorite Color: Green? Black? Blue? (Apparently I like bruise colors)

Heritage: Irish/German/Welsh (Hello, temper!)

Siblings: 1 sister, Emily Kaye, who is a Godly woman and fantastic mother.

Relationship Status: Married to Nolan Kyle, for 10 1/2 years. I'm keeping him for now.

Housing: We designed and built the house we live in and we moved in last April. I love it. I still can't believe I get to live here.

D/G fan since: April 2006 (Good grief, has it been that long?)

First D/G story: The More is My Unrest by Arabella and Jedi Boadicea

Other fandoms: I've read Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Twilight and The Office, but have only ever written HP. I like to confine my crazy to one place. :)

Favourite Type of FanFic: The good kind. :D And I prefer a happy ending.

Theme Song of the Moment: Someone suggest one?

Favourite Drink: Diet Coke. Cafe au lait. Gin and Tonic. Smoking Loon Cabernet. Sometimes all at once.

Favourite Beer: No beer. Ew. I got Nolan the beer of the month club for Christmas, though. It made him all happy. He likes Guinness, Shiner Bock, and Killian's Red. I think it's all gross.

Claim To Fame: Uh... I dunno.

Career Aspirations? Is it sad that I just want to work? I don't need to be famous, just work steadily and be a wife and mother and teacher.


Also, don't forget to enter the haiku contest here! You could win an actual prize! Woot! Contest ends tomorrow at 11:00 p.m. Central.

Also - LJ is a punk.

meme, haiku

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