Jul 06, 2004 14:02
I really do not enjoy this scorching weather. At least I'm not outside in the heat, but it is pretty warm in the house also since I refuse to turn on the air, cause I don't want a high PG & E bill.
I had a super long journal entry written out the other day and when i went click the update button my compter froze up and well I lost the whole entry which really sucked cause I had spent alot of time on it and,.... well it just sucked.
My last day of one of my classes was today, yeahh!!!! It feels so good to be almost done. Can't wait till friday night when I am officially done with school
Anyways, not much has been going on lately. I start my new job tomorow. I'm really nervous about it, cause I have not clue of what to expect since I have no experience in what I am going to be doing. It is so much different then getting a bank job, because I know how to work at a bank, but auditing and tax are totally different.
Did anyone hear about the Marysville fireworks fiasco? Well some fireworks shot into the croud and I think about 15 people were injured and one girl had to have half of her leg amputated. Wow, I bet that was the last thing that she thought was going to happen to her when she went to see the fireworks. They haven't found out if the fireworks were from the city display or from some stupid people setting off illegals off of the levy, but either way she lost her leg and it's just really sad. It makes me not want to go to the fireworks anymore, but I didn't go anyways, we just watched them from my house since I am the max 4 blocks away.
I can't really think of anything else at the moment, but for sure there will be an update tomorow about how the new job went.