Found this on Unique_survey's Journal.
1. Your age: 21
2. Your ethnicity:Filpino/american
3. Your sex: Female
4. Your sexual orientation: Straight
5. Your religious/spiritual beliefs, if any: Seventh Day Adventist
1. How old is the oldest person on your friends list? Over 50....:) Lady who hooked me and Greg up.
2. How young is the youngest person on your friends list? Probably my sister, she's 12
3. Are most of your LJ friends older than you, younger than you, or the same age as you? Same age or older.
1. What percentage of your friends list (approximately) is
caucasian/white? (I'm including all my internet friends not just LJ)
Probably half.
2. What percentage of your friends list (approximately) is Asian? Not even a quarter
3. What percentage of your friends list (approximately) is African American? A quarter
4. What percentage of your friends list (approximately) is bi/multi-racial? Half
1. What percentage of your friends list is male? I'd say about 40
2. What percentage of your friends list is female? 60%
3. What percentage of your friends list is heterosexual? all
4. What percentage of your friends list is homosexual? none
5. What percentage of your friends list is bisexual? none
6. What percentage of your friends list is transsexual? none
1. Are there any Christians on your list? Yes
2. Are there any Buddhists? Used to be, but no more
3. ...Hindus? Used to be, but no more
4. ...atheists? Um no
5. ...agnostics? Probably 1
6. ...pagans? I don't think so...
7. ...spiritual, but not religious, or not confined to one particular set of beliefs? Yeah some
8. ...who believe in something else entirely? No