people are becoming more comfortable

Aug 03, 2008 23:35

I wanted to share something exciting that happened since the second edition of my book, Married Women Who Love Women came out. A couple of women approached me about the possibly of using my book for their Book Groups, and then having me come to talk to them. One said, "we're always wanting to learn and to understand new things." I guess that shows that people are becoming more comfortable with the topic. These were straight women's book groups.

When the first edition came out, some women could hardly pick the book up. I do understand though. There was a time during my early discovery that I couldn't pick up a book with the word "lesbian" on the cover. Now I realize that if anyone has a problem with who or what I am, the problem is theirs, not mine. I'll let you know if their groups go for the idea. And if you belong to a Book Group, or know anyone else who does, please feel free to suggest my book to them.

PS If you see this posting among other comments it's because I'm still getting the knack of this livejournal stuff and goofed again so please bear with me. (I'm really good with a hammer and nails, a needle and thread or a sketch pad and a pencil.)
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