My book is out

Jun 11, 2008 11:19

This has been a very nice week. Routledge rushed my book and I received my first copies on Tuesday. They look great. Then I spoke with someone about a women's gathering I couldn't attend and she offered to put out my fliers. Someone else offered to bring them to the National Women's Studies Association conference (than 2,000 attendees) while I go to the International Women's Writing Workship in Saratoga Springs. I leave on Friday for the week. The website for this wonderful organization is Ian is going to teach me how to do links but we've both been very busy. I also connected with someone who might be interested in a 15 minute script I wrote. We'll see how that pans out.

Last weekend I attended a Joan Anderson workshop. She wrote "A Year by the Sea", the story of a woman who leaves home to find herself. There were many similarities to what she was talking about and to how I discovered who I was and came to be my own person. Being your own person, whoever that turns out to be, is very exciting. Taking time out for yourself makes you more interesting and relieves much of the pressure that women especially live with - care of home, children, grands, elderly parents. More on this when I have the time.
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