May 25, 2007 09:10
Last night really deserves an entry.
After school I went with kristen to pick up our yearbooks. It was so much fun just laying in the grass and looking at the yearbook. We, or maybe just me, made fun of some of the senior pictures. So many deer in the headlights! Then, it was x for her to go home so I could shower for the band banquet.
At the banquet, I got htere first so I found us an empty table so that all of us could sit together. The banquet was full of funny moments, nice pictures, no meat at all, clapping games, walczuk quotes, stories, atlanta video, and much more. And the real fun was yet to come.
We took mara's car, because she was the only one who actually brought a car. Whilst driving mara asked us to remember a number and we proceeded to make this telephone number into a short rap song. It was sooo funny. Then, we went to coldstone ice cream. We drove through the parking lot blasting desperado. Then, mara was sure that she'd get her ice cream first because she knew what she wanted, but she made the bad decision of looking at the other options and thought she wanted a third of three different kinds, but ended up on the original. THEN, we ate our ice cream (kristen obviously finished first) and decided to take jumping picture in out nice dresses. Absolutely none of the pictures turned out. WONDERFUL. But, alas, that didn't even matter. After giving up on jumping pictures we took nice pictures and in one picture I looked like I saw laurens siamese twin. just like the hensel twins. So then, we of course had to take 15 hensel twin pictures. Mara's so good at these.
All in all, a very good night!