Apr 07, 2004 17:01
firstly, the pokemon.
I was on the bus this afternoon, looking forward to coming home cos it's thursday (i thought it was wednesday, didn't realise til i got blasted about my timesheet, cunt boss), and i had to stand next to these two stupid nerdy gooks. They were talking shit, but i could handle it for a little bit... or so i thought.
Here's the monologue:
gook 1: Hey Wilson
gook 2: Hey Wilson
me: will you shut up
random person: yeah, i agree
They looked so shocked, as if confucious himself had come down and spanked their arses. Well, i haven't shaved in a while and i was pretty close to makin' them get their shit ruined. They shut up for the whole ride, but i was scared they were gonna challenge me to a pokemon battle... and me without my charizard. FAGS.
secondly, jews.
I was thinking today about how people say 'mind you' and where it originated i.e. "mind you, i'm not wearing any knickers today."
then i thought "shit, that sounds a bit like 'mine jew', then it clicked!
Mine (mein) is german for 'my', so it's creapt it's way into the english language as 'my jew'.
Therefore, in reality, the germans actually loved and adored the jewish population, the holocaust was a load of western propaganda bullshit.
Allow me to explain. The term 'my nigger' popularised by the movie 'training day' (awesome movie) is an affectionate term, used when someone does something one is pleased by. Then, going by that methodology, 'my jew' must be similar, if not exactly the same.
Therefore, the jews were never slaughtered, they probably all migrated to tasmania or something and nobody noticed (cos tasmania is the arsehole of the universe.)
What's the difference between a jew and an apple pie? An apple pie doesn't scream when you put it in the oven.
Finally, vomit.
As you all may be aware, i am famous for the 'power chuck', which many of you have endured, laughed at... stepped in.
Laugh no more, for i am becoming a superhero. I worked out that i shall use my alcohol enduced power chuck and my secret 'tornado spew ninjitsu' techniques for good, rather than evil (like fertilising the garden wasn't good enough!).
Yes friends, from this day forth, i shall be known as Power Chuck, and my pseudo self, or secret identity if you will, is CHUCK POWERS.
Electricianizzle by day, super hero by night... my jew, this is gonna be so awesome.
end communication