Jan 17, 2006 00:46
I can feel change is on the horizon, and I like it. Things seem to be falling back into place where it matters - the right people coming back into my life and meeting some amazing friends who have been right here and I never realized it. I feel on top of all 5 classes so far, and I'm enjoying learning again. I had a great weekend with my mom here in Davis. We did lots of much needed shopping, and the apartment looks gorgeous now. I'd like to start entertaining again soon. I won't say all is right with the world, but it's getting lighter. "In the darkest hour of the night you find daylight." - Better Than Ezra
"Another ditch in the road - you keep moving,
Another stop sign - you keep moving on,
And the years go by so fast -
I wonder how I ever made it through"
-Savage Garden