Mar 17, 2007 18:50
Things I'd like to do that require good physical health:
-Hike the Appalachian Trail (yes, 2000 miles. Right now I might last 2 days before dropping dead)
-Hike the Inca Trail (Peru is beautiful, and despite the low oxygen at that altitude, I breathed better there than I ever do here in the States)
-Sail the seven seas! Ay, mate, my Viking blood says "Get thee to a boat, wench!" and it must be appeased. I'll see if this is something Dad might want to do when he retires. Build a good, sturdy ship and then set sail for a few years. This goal probably won't come to completion, but it's nice to dream.
These are all long-term goals, obviously, but it's good to think about them now. Maybe Appalachian Trail after graduation (Spring '09-Fall '09), Inca Trail either when I get down to about 130-140 pounds (hopefully before graduation--it'd be a great winter vacation trip), water journey much later. Would anybody else be interested in either hiking trip? It'd be good to start warming up early with some daytrips and weekend trips so we can both warm up our bodies and figure out what items we'd need to pack. Given that the A.T. would require probably 5 months without work, it's understandable if people don't want to do it. Peru would be a shorter trip, but require about the same total amount of money, given airfare and the cost of getting a guide (it's no longer allowed for people to hike the trail on their own). Still, for those of you who have the funds or are willing to start scrimping and saving now, grand adventures await!