I had such a WONDERFUL weekend. I was so sad to wake up this morning and find it was Monday and gloomy and icy outside when for the past two days it's been sunny and borderline-spring-ish and dry. Oh, well. I suppose the weather suits the Monday following such a great weekend.
Truly, there isn't much to report. Just a series of little events that made the weekend relaxing and enjoyable. Friday when I got home from work, we made some caprese and poured some wine and watched the first episode of "Blue Planet." It's quite the mesmerizing show. We kept getting hypnotized by the large whales and the splashing waters that we basically forgot to eat our delicious mozzarella and tomatoes. It was a good show. It kind of freaks me out what with the huge animals and the weird animals and the dark bottom of the ocean and the whole I'm-further-up-the-food-chain-than-you, but even so, it's extremely interesting. Still, it all seems so arbitrary, too. I mean, some animal all swarm together to breed and three different animals bigger than them come and eat them all. What's the point of it all? I mean, I know it's all part of one big process that our earth needs to survive, but it all just seems so pointless. I mean, all these years I've been trying to find out why WE are here on this earth, because our existence has always seemed so arbitrary to me (you're born, you live, you die with very few people ever knowing you ever existed), and we're so much more complex than any sea animal. That question remains even more unanswered now.
On a lighter note, Saturday was very relaxing. Once we got ourselves around, we went shopping like we always tend to do, only this time we went out to 28th to avoid the annoying Grandville crowds. While we were bopping around Woodland, we decided to stop at our favorite jewelers to just get an idea about engagement rings...I mean, it doesn't hurt to be prepared, right? I was actually surprised how hard I was to please with rings. I put on a good handful of them before I found one I deemed tolerable. The one I did pick out was about $2,800...ouch! The saleswoman was really nice, though, and took us back to the "diamond" room to show us the ring under a microscope. It was pretty cool to see how clear it was and where they put the teeny-tiny serial number on it. Even though I didn't find too many I liked, it was still REALLY REALLY FUN. And to see Chris try on rings, when I've never seen him ever wear a piece of jewelry, and imagining him wearing it every day was a lovely thought.
We stopped and got groceries on the way home and I made tandoori chicken for dinner which was pretty delicious even though it was kind of a mess to clean up. Then we walked to the Griffin's game, which of course was a good old time, only I was sitting next to a very large person so I was kind of scrunched. The Griffin's won, too, but the score was only 1-0 so it wasn't an extremely eventful game. We did see three fights, though, and of course, Chris was all for that. We stopped in at Bar Divani afterwards to say hello to Tory, but he had a huge party of 30 so he only got to say hello and tell me what wine to drink. And by the time we had finished our drink, it had gotten extremely busy, so we left, came home and put on pjs, and watched "Hitch."
Sunday we got up and went to church, which was good for us. I'm glad we've been going every week since it's Lent. I don't feel like I've been giving up enough for the season, so it's good that we at least sacrifice our Sunday morning. We got a quick breakfast at New Beginnings after. I love doing that...sipping coffee and being out among other people and reading newspaper ads. It's nice. Chris had been researching Tungston rings as a wedding band for him, but the jewelry store we went to on Saturday didn't carry those rings, so after breakfast, we ventured back out to 28th to try a different jewelry store. I had MUCH better luck there. The first ring Chris saw, he pointed out to me and I fell in love with it. The lady that helped us was way cute and I tried on many rings after that first one but was stuck on the first one. Plus, it was $2,000 less than the one I looked at the day before, which was a huge bonus. And I love that it caught Chris' eye first and that he picked out something that was pretty much exactly what I was looking for. Maybe it was a sign. It was wonderful and I was happy and I wish we had bought it that day because it was just absolutely beautiful.
Take a look. The P-P-F in the band stands for "past, present, and future," which I really liked...and it COMES with that. How awesome is that? Seriously.
Now don't be jumping to conclusions. Chris and I aren't engaged nor will we be for some time. Chris can't afford a ring like that until he's found himself a teaching job and we can't get married until I know we'll be able to afford a wedding, so we've got plenty of time. Makes me wish I had done things right though and gotten my life in order earlier instead of all the shenanigans I've been pulling these past two years. I guess I didn't realize how grown up I actually was until this weekend and how ready I am to start acting like an adult and leading an adult's life. And just because it's time to be an adult doesn't mean I can't learn things or go places. In fact, if I had a career right now, I could probably afford to do those things more than I can now. I know you shouldn't live with regret, but I could be halfway through grad school had I done things right. Oh, well, nothing I can do to change that now.
After ring shopping on Sunday, we went to Sands (or what was Sands) to shoot some pool, but Chris actually kicked the pants off of me. It was so wonderful to play, though. I should go there sometimes in the afternoon before work with my ipod and just shoot some pool by myself. I think it would be therapeutic. I really miss playing pool on a regular basis. I really miss doing a lot of things I used to do on a regular basis.
That evening I made a steak and potatoes dinner with the help of my sous-chef Chris, and after a long telephone call with my cousin, we watched "Superbad" in our pjs. I actually found that movie mildly entertaining. I mean, it was immature and about a bunch of horny teenagers, but I found the dialogue quite witty (if you overlook all the f-words) and the acting was actually pretty phenomenal. I think both main actors did a really good job of portraying the awkwardness of being high school boys. And it wasn't like the plot didn't have ANY content. So for a mindless Sunday night flick, it suited me just fine.
And so there you have it, the wonderful weekend of Jenny and Chris. And now it's Monday and gloomy and I think I'll stay in my pjs until work because I'm not feeling much like doing anything. Not until the sun comes out again.