Jun 09, 2009 15:22
give up all forms of intoxication
convert to catholicism
wrestle an angry drunk scotsman
take a vow of chastity
eat pig testicles
quit smoking everything
crawl through broken glass sprinkled with salt
shave my head and get a tattoo of elmer fudd on my scalp
drink out of tempe town lake
take a vow of silence
drop out of school
wear a burka to school every day
change my facebook status to "has syphilis. for real."
eat only garbanzo beans and bologna for a year
slam my hand in a car door
shoot up meth
shun someone
jump off the swings from as high as i can go
move to the deep south
throw my computer off a cliff
walk everywhere
donate all my money to the republican party
if only any of it made a difference