Jack's still keeping an eye on the shadows in case that someone from his past should have any ideas (and if only he knew who or what Ines is likely to sic on him... I have a feeling that could go down around Christmas, which would put a whole new spin on the term "sleighing song tonight"...) Other than that (and flirting with Michelle's brother unbeknownst to him), he's keeping busy between the Night Watch and looking after his wee daughter, who's turning six months old. He's got a semi-open post if anyone wants to chat.
Honey, sorry to be a stickler, but I don't handwave interactions between characters that never met onscreen... and the post has remained untagged on Jack's journal for over a month. So if you want to say they've been flirting, they need to meet onscreen FIRST. I do not consider that he and Jack have met so far, because, well, they haven't.
Also please communicate with me before you handwave things with my puppets. It's only civil.
Even one or two tags would not have been enough to establish chemistry or attraction anyway, I'm sorry to say. Seriously, just ask. Please. Communication always trumps assumption. And prevents this face from happening:
Totally the wrong place for this, but Titus doesn't have a comment yet: I do believe Gawain was supposed to be catching Titus and Lystra in the act? (Also discussed here, though not in much detail). Should I go ahead and make a post? :)
Re: Ref reporting for plottingcute_shinigamiNovember 18 2013, 04:55:07 UTC
Tsuzuki is on the middle of the first staff meeting of the Shadow Angels, and managing ye organization keeps him busy. But he could use something to put some variety in his unlife, so if anyone wants a cute death god, feel free to ask!
Parsifal is currently chatting with Morgana, re: the Spear... which soon may get pinched. When that goes down, he'll likely be looking for aid in searching for it, wherever it got to. In the meantime, he could use people to talk to, so if anyone wants the company of a Grail Knight, feel free to ask.
Man, if the Lance gets pinched, Melou should find out about it, because he's religious enough that he'd get really angry. And it would upset him. It would be interesting.
Gingalain would want to know about it too, of course.
Things are quiet for Eeyore, though he's chatting with a few of Wil's folks. He's willing to chat with anyone, though. Keeps things from Getting Boring, and while he dislikes it when things are Too Strange and Bothersome, he dislikes Boring Things.
Stein is at work on his secret project with Pascal (and I will have that draft off to you soon, Wil, once I find the file it's in). In the meantime, he could stand to have some action, so I may be open posting him, soon.
Rodney McKay is sort of settled in to the Mansion, though he's likely eager to find a way out of the place as soon as bloody possible, so he can get back to civilization. As in where computers work. If there's sciencing going on to that effect, he's more than happy to join in.
Also please communicate with me before you handwave things with my puppets. It's only civil.
( ... )
Gingalain would want to know about it too, of course.
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