May 09, 2012 03:12
Okay, pushing this plot point back by a few days: work's got me a bit tied up this week, plus I'm dealing with some out of the blue anxiety. I almost would do it on the weekend, but I felt it was a bit too-*too* since this is Mother's Day weekend (unless you all rather I did for a bit of irony).
It's going to be a two-part post, the actual delivery will take place on Viv's journal on one day, while a week or so later, there will be an open post to the comm, in which Muraki will be looking for some potential adoptive parents for the newborns (energy vampires and babies do not mix well, plus His Paleness would admit that he isn't the best father material).
So, for the helpers at the delivery, we have:
Justin Finch-Fletchley: Morale support/holding Viv's hand during the rough parts of the delivery
Genkai: Midwife/assistant to Muraki (though there will likely be a bit of headbutting)
If I'm forgetting anyone or anyone else wants to send another helper, feel free to bop me in the comments.
I'm thinking of having this start off with Viv waking up from an early evening snooze, having contractions, then stumble out into the hallway, where, depending on who tags in first, someone will find her and guide her to ye clinic. We'll figure out tag order when we post.
And yep, for those of you who are familiar with Viv's canon, there will be a scary-as-hell thunderstorm during all of this. Lights won't be going out, but they may blink and dim at crucial moments.
player consultation,
player initiative