So, we have the preview button add-on that lets us add subject lines to comments (which is
here in case you missed it), and there's now another add-on which makes subject lines appear in the comment header (the blue thingy) instead of as a bolded line at the top of a comment. It also adds a few other tweaks (c+p from the userstyles page):
- option to put SUBJECT LINE in comment header (and by this I mean that while I can't make Livejournal offer you to put a subject line via the default comment pages, old comments and new ones made via Preview or other comment style pages with subject lines will show them in the header)
- choice between Blue (#ACE) and Light Blue (#BDF) (colors both used before in LJ's previous default comment pages) for comment headers
- optional background color when you hover over a collapsed comment
- choose either grey (#F9F9F9) or white as background color
- changed font and font sizes
- moved margins in post and comments
- keep buttons in comment headers and expand and check in a collapsed comment always visible
- removes that fugly blue border around add comment button (and preview if you have it)
- little nitpick-y things I won't bore you with
In other words, it makes livejournal far less ugly. To install it:
- Install the Stylish extension (Firefox, Chrome)
- Go here
- Choose which options you'd like and click install
- ????
I seriously can't recommend this enough, it makes everything SO much easier to read.