Play it again, Nev. Valentine's Day flowers!

Feb 14, 2012 03:09

Even wizards know that Valentine's Day is a holiday for flowers. If he'd managed to begin his plant business back home, this would be a busy time, but income really wasn't an issue at the Mansion. Even so, Neville loves his gardening, and he'd begun growing roses and other flowers with this date in mind. By now, he is well aware the Mansion is ( Read more... )

warren peace, neville longbottom, zz:(dropped)phoenix wright, kazutaka muraki, galadriel, zz:(dropped)yukio washimine, !open post, !mingler, zz:(dropped)the warden, zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki

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silvereyedphage February 14 2012, 17:36:52 UTC
It's likely no surprise that the pale gent is at the door, tapping on the frame with his knuckles. But this year, things look different. He's dressed in black instead of white, and his air of elegant cockiness has given way to quiet melancholy.

"I saw your notice, and I was wondering if you have any white roses?" he says.


killedthesnake February 15 2012, 01:25:15 UTC
Neville looks up at the knock, and he does indeed remember him from last year. The melancholy doesn't surprise him, given recent events, but he nevertheless smiles in greeting. "Hello. I thought I might see you again this year," he remarks. "I do have white roses, but like last year, I can color them any way you wish." In fact, most are white and red.


silvereyedphage February 15 2012, 02:23:26 UTC
He returns the smile, but the smile doesn't quite reach his good eye. "Things aren't as they were last year, but I could use some of each," he says. "Shall I start with a half dozen of the white, and could you tie them with a white ribbon?"


killedthesnake February 15 2012, 06:52:56 UTC
Neville nods solemnly, already reaching for a dozen white roses. After last year, he's much better with the bouquets, and despite his concentration on the task, he feels a bit guilty for the lack of conversation. "I -- ," and Neville fails. "I'm sorry," he finally manages.


silvereyedphage February 15 2012, 06:58:07 UTC
"I appreciate the sympathy," he replies, and he means it: this isn't just a polite, pat reply. "The past few weeks have not been easy, but I've seen the notices and I've witnessed the...flurry of activity about Aramat's room.

"She and I were close, like the brother and sister we wish we could have had. I would put these on her grave, but given the cold weather, she would be horrified if I did, and so I'll be putting these by her door for now. The house has stopped letting me into her room." He sounds a bit disappointed on the last bit.


killedthesnake February 21 2012, 20:27:16 UTC
"She should have flowers at her door," Neville nods, and if possible, his hands gentle on the bouquet, as if giving it more respect, given it's destination. "It's difficult to lose someone," he murmurs, and he knows firsthand after Harry left. He looks at Muraki. "I could do an additional bouquet, and use a spell to keep it fresh in the cold and snow?"


silvereyedphage February 22 2012, 03:06:19 UTC
He smiles with approval at this offer. "I would appreciate that very much: it would surprise her if she knew, but I think she would enjoy it," he says.


killedthesnake February 25 2012, 21:34:55 UTC
"Do you want the one for outdoors to be white as well?" Neville asks. He keeps trying to remember Aramat, but he'd only seen her from the back during the play, and always at a distance. He feels a bit guilty he'd never even spoke with her, but there were so many residents at the Mansion. And he'd always been so busy on the set during the play.


silvereyedphage February 27 2012, 01:07:19 UTC
"Mmm, could you put in a few red flowers for the outdoor arrangement? She was a passionate woman, and I want to memorialize that part of her spirit as well," he says, thoughtfully.


killedthesnake February 28 2012, 07:52:47 UTC
"Consider it done," Neville answers, still busy on the first, but it's nearly finished. This man always makes him feel mildly nervous, but he can never figure out why.


silvereyedphage March 2 2012, 07:50:10 UTC
"There will be a few others, though not as many as last year," he admits. "There...have been some in my circle who vanished, likely finding their way home to their worlds."


killedthesnake March 5 2012, 03:58:27 UTC
Neville sighs. "I've experienced the same. I didn't realize it has happened to so many others. I wonder if that's normal or usual, at least for here," he comments. Or if some strange window had opened, causing the exodus.


silvereyedphage March 9 2012, 02:48:18 UTC
"I may know who or what might be behind some of the disappearances," he says, darkly, his gaze dropping, then lifting again. "I challenged it for taking a young man who shared my pillow, and it attacked me, cutting into my psyche. I've been slowly recovering since then."


killedthesnake March 11 2012, 06:23:07 UTC
"I doubt that's what happened to my mate, Harry, but I'd like to hear what you've experienced," Neville replies, intrigued by what the other man has described.


silvereyedphage March 12 2012, 07:28:16 UTC
"Whatever this entity is, it's very powerful: it damaged my psyche enough that I've had a hard time casting spells since then. It's been a bit like having a stroke and having to relearn some of the most basic skills, but I'm slowly recovering," he replies.


killedthesnake March 16 2012, 04:22:56 UTC
"I hope something like that isn't happening to everyone that disappears from this place," Neville sighs. "I'd heard some people just randomly return home." That's clearly what he hopes for Harry. He frowns at the other man. "Do you think its Morgoth?"


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