What Dreams May Come (Open, Arrival)

Feb 06, 2012 12:13

Since his father's death, Robert hasn't been sleeping well. His doctors had told him that was to be expected, that it was a normal stress reaction to a traumatic event, but the words don't help much in reality. He has such mixed feelings about everything that's happened, including - he is ashamed to admit - relief. Relief! Relief that his father is gone. He tries to convince himself that it is relief that his father is in a better place, that he is no longer in pain, and perhaps that is some of it. But he can't deny that it is also relief that it's over. Relief that he no longer has to live up to his father's expectations, whatever they were. Relief that he no longer has to struggle so hard to be the man his father seemed to want him to be.

But he isn't even really sure what that is anymore, except that he hadn't been it.

And now, now Fischer and Morrow is his. Well, not entirely his, of course. There's the board, and there's Browning, and the many other people who have interests and investments. But for the most part, yes. His.

And he doesn't want it.

He isn't sure when he'd come to that realization, or if he'd always known it. But he doesn't want it. It had been his father's and his grandfather's life work, but he doesn't want it to be his. Mostly...

But He also doesn't want to give up the lifestyle to which he's grown accustomed. But there's a nagging feeling in his mind that his father would have been proudest of him, no...that his father intended him to do something else. He can't put a finger on why he feels that way, exactly. It isn't as if his father had ever set him down and told him what he wanted. But he feels it all the same.

God, there's so much to think about. And he's so tired. It had truly been a difficult few weeks.

He knows he should try to sleep, but it's so difficult as these thoughts burrow through his mind. He gets up, planning to get a glass of water, maybe take one of the sleeping pills he'd been prescribed (that didn't seem to do any good, but at least it was something to try), but he finds himself...not in his apartment.

His heart skips a beat as he looks around him, and finds that he recognizes nothing. He finds a door, opens it, and steps out into a brightly lit hallway, where he again recognizes nothing.

"Hello?" he calls, hoping that he's keeping at least most of the panic out of his voice.

Name: Robert Fischer
Fandom: "Inception"
Media: Film
Typist: sAmmii
Other relevant info: Fischer is coming in about a week after his father's funeral.
The first commenter acts as a welcoming committee. All following interactions are deemed later in the day, when the character is settled.

dominic cobb, icarus, zz:(dropped)robert fischer, !open post, eeyore, !introduction, asato tsuzuki, benjen stark, zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki

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