[open] if you ever want to find me i can still be found

Jan 03, 2012 19:43

It's been a while since Medraut's gone out actually looking for people.

It's always easier to cut yourself off, pretend there's no-one to care about. But there are people -- friends, family, that he misses. There are things he needs to mend with them. He'll never really find happiness here, he's sure of that, but he ought to try and get what happiness he can, he supposes. Besides, it's winter, and winter always puts him in a more friendly mood.

So here is a usually grumpy Arthurian looking rather less moody than usual, out looking for familiar faces, and for once far more open to unfamiliar ones.

hello :D here is a medraut please send people at him. ~old friends etc~ especially but anyone is welcome. i might be a little slow in tagging because i don't have internets at home right now, just fyi  ♥
hope everyone is having a happy new year
xoxo tate 

melou, !open post, gawain, zz:(dropped)mordred, agravain, anita blake, caranthir

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