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silvereyedphage January 1 2012, 07:37:13 UTC
It was the music and the lights that drew Muraki to the ballroom, but the sign catches his curiosity, and so he follows the path indicated ( ... )


in_summer_leaf January 3 2012, 04:15:56 UTC
Hisoka barges back into the memory room, unable to quite leave the place alone. But no visions this time. Instead, there is Muraki, and he looks...

"Are you all right?" Hisoka asks.


silvereyedphage January 5 2012, 05:10:39 UTC
"They're not tears of sorrow," he says, a bit embarrassed that someone has seen him in tears. There's a small smile of nostalgia playing about his mouth, but it's clear he's just witnessed something he wishes he could hang onto, like Andersen's little match girl, lighting a whole bundle of matches to keep the spirit of her grandmother close.


in_summer_leaf January 5 2012, 06:02:10 UTC
That's exactly what Muraki looks like at this moment, and Hisoka finds himself strangely in sympathy with the man. Probably this is because he himself has a little-match-girl-aura at the moment, having been so recently and so unexpectdly under the light of his grim angel's gaze. "What did you see, if I may ask?"


silvereyedphage January 5 2012, 07:00:25 UTC
"A vision of my grandfather in his study: perhaps it was his spirit come to look in on his wayward grandson," he replies, thoughtfully, a bit pensive even.


in_summer_leaf January 6 2012, 00:52:52 UTC
"Perhaps it was, then?" says Hisoka. "Myself, I've never been sure there's an absolute distinction between memory and the presence of the lost or the dead."


silvereyedphage January 6 2012, 05:22:38 UTC
He looks up, peering through his mane, but the pensiveness does not leave his good eye. "I will admit, I've had a hard time believing that, but I may be biased: I lost too much of my family in too short a time, and it's likely colored my experience in darker hues," he says


in_summer_leaf January 7 2012, 07:36:45 UTC
"Perhaps," says Hisoka. "And there is that barrier of silence, that thing that comes down like a lead curtain between us and them. It seems so absolute. Except, for me...there are little gleams from the other side...there, and then not there...I don't believe in them all the time. Only some of the time. And you? -- do you think it would it be like your grandfather to look in on his grandson, if he could?"


silvereyedphage January 8 2012, 03:54:29 UTC
He manages a small smile. "I'm surprised that he hasn't turned up sooner: he doted on me, but he also disciplined, as if I were his son, and not his grandson," he says. "In some ways, he was more of a father to me than the man who gave me half of my genetics."


in_summer_leaf January 8 2012, 07:00:39 UTC
"Then it sounds as if you were fortunate," responds Hisoka. "I, too, had a grandfather whom I loved, who tried to fill in where my father failed. I would be very pleased to see him again. But I never have."


silvereyedphage January 9 2012, 04:08:31 UTC
He lifts his head, tilting it slightly, that smile brightening a bit more. "It would see we had similar branches on our family trees: I hope that the powers that be in this place, or whoever made this glimpse of home possible, gives you the honor of seeing your grandfather," he says.


in_summer_leaf January 9 2012, 07:34:42 UTC
"Thank you," says Hisoka, sincerely.

[Good time for an FTB? I love the sense of things slowly changing between these two...]


silvereyedphage January 10 2012, 04:24:47 UTC
"And may you have a happy new year," he says, bowing to Hisoka before moving on into the ballroom...

FTB, and I love how these two are slowly making peace!


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