[Mingler] The Death of Agrippina

Nov 28, 2011 20:02

It's been a long time coming - many hurdles have delayed the event, but it has finally happened. Posters have been put up in various places throughout the Mansion throughout the past few weeks, from the moment that the date was set.
The Death of Agrippina
A tragedy in 5 acts
Caesar Tiberius holds Rome in the palm of his firm hands. General Germanicus ( Read more... )

echo (alchemaster's apprentice), zz:(dropped)brett crezski, cyrano de bergerac, zz:(dropped)damien o'donovan, tom yarbro, titus groan, lystra, paulinka erdnuss, zz:(dropped)millicent bulstrode, alphonse elric, zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki, neville longbottom, fuchsia groan, icarus, bridget, zz:(dropped)dean winchester, zz:(dropped)enide, melou, !mingler, catherine morland

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daddyissuesjnr November 29 2011, 07:26:33 UTC
Melou can be found in the crowd after the play, looking awkward and out of place, trying his best to avoid having to talk to anyone. He wouldn't usually show up to this sort of thing; he only came to see Titus. He's a bit embarrassed about being here, actually, and he's hoping he's not going to run into anybody he knows.


survivingson December 3 2011, 01:11:29 UTC
Well, Brett isn't going to run into him, and they don't really know each other, but the teenager has gotten over the majority of his Mansion-related emo. Maybe things will go better this time, but probably not. He smiles when he sees Melou.

"Hey," he says, not committed to an attempt at conversation yet, in case he gets blown off. Just saying hi.


daddyissuesjnr December 3 2011, 06:43:55 UTC
Melou eyes him for a moment. "Good day," he returns.

He thinks it's strange that Brett is talking to him. He thought they didn't like each other.


survivingson December 4 2011, 03:12:42 UTC
Well, it's better than fireballs, and ever since finding out that fireballs are actually an option for some people around here, Brett has changed his standards for not liking those he meets. Even before the incident with Millicent, though, Brett hasn't really been one to let a bit of awkward stop him from talking to someone.

In summary, Brett isn't aware that they dislike each other. He just thought they caught each other on a bad day, and the lack of outright rejection to his greeting prompts the obvious question, "Did you enjoy the play?"


daddyissuesjnr December 6 2011, 11:27:32 UTC
"Yes. I did," Melou lies. Really, he thought it was boring, and the only reason he came to see it in the first place is because he's friends with one of the actors. "What did you think of it?" he asks, to avoid having to talk about it himself.


survivingson December 14 2011, 07:07:56 UTC
"Oh," Brett replies, a little more uncertain. He'd been pretty sure someone close to his own age would have been similarly disenchanted, and though Melou's tone doesn't really scream enthusiasm, it puts Brett on the wrong foot for a moment. "Well, I couldn't really understand what was going on, and some of the language was hard, so... I mean, they looked like they were having fun."


daddyissuesjnr December 14 2011, 11:12:31 UTC
Honestly, a lot of it probably went over Melou's head, too. But he's pretending it didn't, because that means he gets to feel superior.

He snorts. "I don't know what would be so fun about it." He thinks theatre is kind of stupid.


survivingson December 26 2011, 04:14:25 UTC
Brett is pretty straightforward with things like that; there's no one around that he cares enough to impress to bluff right now. He blinks at Melou.

"Well, I mean - I wouldn't enjoy it, but others might," he tries.


daddyissuesjnr December 26 2011, 12:29:28 UTC
Melou tends to be very judgemental about things he doesn't like.

"How would they remember all those words, anyway?"


survivingson December 29 2011, 10:25:03 UTC
Brett starts to smile, slowly a first, little flickers of movement at the corners of his mouth. He's still not sure of his ground with this other boy, but he's willing to try.

"Cue cards? Did anyone look at the back of the hall?" He's joking. His more pronounced smile should advertise this.


daddyissuesjnr December 29 2011, 12:18:22 UTC
"No," Melou says. "I didn't, at least." He's taken Brett's joke completely seriously.

You're probably never going to get anywhere, Brett. Though the typist thinks it's adorable how you keep trying.


survivingson February 11 2012, 04:30:30 UTC
"...me either. That must've been it," Brett replies, the smile fading as he's suddenly pretty sure he sounds like an idiot. "I'll have to check next time. Think there'll be another?"

Brett is pretty sure he's not going to get anywhere, either, but Melou is the closest person to his own age he's met so far, so here he is.


daddyissuesjnr February 12 2012, 05:12:14 UTC
"Probably," Melou says.

He figures, since plays are boring, and everyone at the Mansion seems to like boring things, there'll probably be another.


survivingson February 22 2012, 09:04:13 UTC
Brett completely misses the pessimistic qualifier to that one, starting to smile again.

"Maybe the next one will be more interesting, then - something more modern."



daddyissuesjnr February 23 2012, 12:31:29 UTC
"Like what?" Melou asks, suddenly paranoid that Brett's going to suggest they do a play based on the reign of King Arthur or something like that. His idea of what's more modern than the Romans is a lot different to Brett's.


survivingson March 23 2012, 03:10:44 UTC
Brett blinks slightly, mildly alarmed because he wasn't ready for that question - he doesn't know anything at all about plays or musicals or anything. So he just blurts the first thing that comes to mind, almost wincing with how stupid it sounds.

"Um... Cats?"


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