It's been over a week since Morgoth assaulted him, tearing away half of the phage and taking it God knows where. Muraki can still feel the effects of the attack: his mind feels as if it's been wrapped in cotton batting full of thumbtacks. He's been avoiding human company, since he still feels vaguely defiled from the attack, but playing the hermit
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But her senses are still sharp and acute... and her eyes may blink at the slight of Muraki.
The leech... it's weak.
"You're lying. ...But you feel like explaining what happened to you, I'm fine with that, as I don't care."
Mainly cause she's her own mental scars to deal with, and is dealing with them, by not showing them.
And he realizes the day is likely to come when he may have to destroy the thing: it is, after all, part of him.
"It was him wasn't it?"
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