[Introduction] He Who Dwells Upon the Mountain, Guardian of Hearts,

May 04, 2011 21:08

The police had called in a pick-up late that evening: a would-be storm-chaser taking a video camera out to film the thunderstorm that had hit the area, who'd gotten himself struck by lightning ( Read more... )

river tam, neville longbottom, scheherazade, jacquel, falkor the luckdragon, merlin, pandora (rice), !introduction

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killedthesnake May 6 2011, 22:43:39 UTC
Perhaps later, Mister Jacquel might come upon Neville in the library. The wizard is seated in a comfortable chair, a tankard of ale on the table beside him and a book in his lap. He's not certain food and drink are allowed in the library, probably not, but he needed to relax and it was an easy remedy. He also needed to figure out why some of his marijuana plants were dying, hence pairing the drink and the book.


death_dawg May 10 2011, 04:16:57 UTC
Jacquel has been poking around the library: he's not a scholar, or at least not as much of one as his partner Ibis was, but he enjoys a good tale.

He can't help smirking a bit at the tankard of ale: Ibis would likely fuss politely about this, but he's not about to get on his case about it. "Excuse me, are you the head librarian hear?" he asks.


killedthesnake May 16 2011, 02:11:55 UTC
Neville looks up and is already chuckling. "Hardly," he readily admits. "I'm not sure there is one, even. But I can try to help, if you need it?"


death_dawg May 17 2011, 03:34:23 UTC
"Much appreciated: it's a big library," he says. "My partner would be in his glory if he found his way here. He's jotted down the tales of some of our people and others who found their way across what used to be called the western sea."


killedthesnake May 30 2011, 03:31:37 UTC
Partner. Business or...? Neville keeps his curiosity to himself though he might study the other man a bit more intently. He stands, offering his hand to shake in introduction. "My name is Neville Longbottom. Are you from very far in the past then?" he asks. "Given you know the sea name has changed, that is..."


death_dawg May 30 2011, 04:21:09 UTC
"I'm from the modern age, when they call that sea the Pacific, but I'm originally from much longer ago than that," he admits. "From the days when the Sphinx was first carved out of a heap of sandstone blocks, and even before then."


killedthesnake May 31 2011, 02:53:02 UTC
Neville's eyes widen, and he lets out a low, soft whistle. "Ancient Egypt, then, but...you just don't die?" Yes, Neville could have said immortal, but his vocabulary fails him.


death_dawg June 1 2011, 04:29:03 UTC
"It would be rather silly if I did, since I was the one who first taught the people of the Nile how to preserve their dead, that the souls might find them properly," he says.


killedthesnake July 31 2011, 03:54:46 UTC
"That makes you -- makes you -- means you are...," Neville trails off. This time words fail him.


death_dawg August 10 2011, 02:49:15 UTC
"It means I've gone by many names: 'The Keeper of Hearts', 'The Dweller of the Divine Booth'. You probably know me as Anubis," he says, calmly.


killedthesnake August 10 2011, 03:40:05 UTC
Neville coughed, as if his body was having a difficult time accepting this as real and factual. Oh, he believes the man, but to be meeting Anubis! "Right, then. Yes, that's the name I'm familiar with. Anubis." He has no idea how to address him.


death_dawg August 11 2011, 06:17:31 UTC
"It's what I was called, but these days, I've been going by Mister Jacquel," he says, with a reassuring smile.


killedthesnake August 11 2011, 23:39:45 UTC
That certainly makes it easier for Neville to relate to him. "It's nice to meet you, Mister Jacquel." Startling, but still nice.


death_dawg August 13 2011, 03:28:02 UTC
He chuckles a bit at that. "It's not often I hear someone say that: currently, I work as a funeral director and prosector in the town of Cairo, Illinois, and most people there are not quite as kind as you are."


killedthesnake August 13 2011, 03:30:13 UTC
"I might not be as friendly either, if I were in need of your services," Neville points out with a sheepish grin. "I didn't realize there was a Cairo in the States. Not coincidence that your -- work is there?"


death_dawg August 15 2011, 03:35:04 UTC
"Yes, it's at the delta of the Big Muddy River, where it empties into the Mississippi," he says. "The folks that named it were thinking of the Nile River and the Old Testament book of Exodus, but I doubt they had any guess that folk from the Nile had set up a trading post not far from the location of the town, many years before."


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