[Mingler] Gong Hey Fat Choy! (Congratulations and be prosperous)

Feb 04, 2011 00:12

Riku has fond memories of Setsuban or the Lunar New Year, and given the number of Chinese immigrants in their neighborhood, his dad had offered a double celebration at Omoro. And so, as part of continuing to give back to the Mansion and the people in it, he's spent the past day cooking up a buffet of Asian delicacies, including Chinese dumplings ( Read more... )

falkor the luckdragon, zz:(dropped)wolfram von bielefeld, zz:(dropped)melisande shahrizai, riku miyagusuku, zz:(dropped)andros, steerpike, zz:(dropped)sandor clegane, zhane, zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki, warren peace, mal reynolds, zz:(dropped)phoenix wright, geneviève émery, robin goodfellow, paul (the historian), zz:(dropped)yukio washimine, angélique hubert, zz:(dropped)genkai, zz:(dropped)aramat drawdes, gawain, !mingler, asato tsuzuki, catherine morland, zz:(dropped)george berger

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not_snake_bite February 5 2011, 17:21:04 UTC
Steerpike stared at the 'dragon' for a bit, then decided that it wasn't doing anything dangerous and shrugged it off as a weird ritual. If someone should know how weird rituals can be, it would be anyone from Gormenghast.

So here he is, sneaking behind Riku and lookiing at the maki rolls with curiosity.


cute_shinigami February 6 2011, 02:48:54 UTC
There's a sudden loud clatter and someone yelps, startled. If he turns, the lion dancer has managed to trip on a floor lamp and to get tangled in a curtain, and is now sprawled on the floor.


not_snake_bite February 7 2011, 04:11:26 UTC
Seriously, this feels almost like home. In case this is someone useful, Steerpike scrambles to help the silly dancer.

"Are you quite alright?"


cute_shinigami February 7 2011, 04:34:28 UTC
The mouth of the lion's head pops open, and that tall, goofy fellow with violet eyes peers out, laughing. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine, I just didn't see that lamp or the curtain," he says.


not_snake_bite February 9 2011, 02:49:32 UTC
Ah, right, the dork with the purple eyes. "It's only that the place is a touch narrow for your excellent costume," Steerpike replies flatteringly. "It is most crafty - have you made it yourself?"


cute_shinigami February 9 2011, 03:58:34 UTC
"Well, I kind of half-made it: I found it in the attic, but it was a bit short on me, so I added on some extra fabric and extra streamers and spangles," Tsuzuki says. "How've you been since the last time we met? It's been a while, hasn't it?"


not_snake_bite February 10 2011, 01:48:52 UTC
"So it has," Steerpike replies. "I do miss the days of your lovely pond, and the buffet with those exquisite cupcakes of yours, my lord. I do see that you've kept busy nonetheless..."


cute_shinigami February 11 2011, 23:31:50 UTC
He blushes. "Thanks. I guess I like to celebrate and share the fun with people. My little friend Sophie and I put up the paper cranes here a week after Christmas," he says, looking up at them. "There's a thousand of them and they're considered lucky: If you make a wish, while you're looking at them, it just might come true. It happened for me: my partner and best friend arrived here."


not_snake_bite February 13 2011, 14:45:53 UTC
Steerpike makes note of this information - the purple-eyed fool now has an ally, and one who knows Muraki, perhaps. "It must have been a relief, to have a trusted friend in a time of need," he replies, hoping to coax more out of Tsuzuki.


cute_shinigami February 14 2011, 00:24:23 UTC
"Oh, it is: he's more than just a work friend, you know? We've saved each other's lives on more than one occasion, so we've got a bond that's stronger than, well, death," he says, his eyes taking on a look of fond memories passing through his mind. "Hisoka's about your age, well, maybe a little older, but he's wise beyond his years. He's had a hard life, so that does something to you. He can be a bit grumpy and snarky, but he's got a good heart underneath it. I think you'd like him."

So, so very oblivious, and only too willing to share information...


not_snake_bite February 14 2011, 01:25:18 UTC
And so very happy to hear all about it, of course. "Is that so?" Steerpike asks, "then you should introduce us, of course."


cute_shinigami February 14 2011, 23:00:19 UTC
"Sure thing! You're gonna like him," he says, grinning. "So how've been keeping yourself, since we last met? Have you joined the university here? Started seeing someone who thinks you're cute?" There's an almost mischievous lilt in his voice as he asks the last.

Shall I nudge Hisoka's player and arrange a three-way??


not_snake_bite February 14 2011, 23:40:46 UTC
"I suppose you could say that my life is that of someone my age. I study, I do have a few... friends." The latter, in Steerpike's voice, sounds a bit mischievous.


cute_shinigami February 16 2011, 05:55:04 UTC
"Ooh, looking for that special someone?" he asks. "It's the year of the Rabbit, so it would a good year to find her -- or him -- or to start some new endeavor. Rabbits are loving and lucky critters, you know?"


not_snake_bite February 17 2011, 00:43:44 UTC
Steerpike raises an eyebrow. "I beg your pardon?"


cute_shinigami February 18 2011, 07:45:18 UTC
"Well, you see, in a lot of Asian countries, the years are divided up into cycles of twelve years, each with a different animal to symbolize it. So, if you were born, like me, in the first year of the cycle, they'd say you were born in the year of the Rat," he explains. "Each animal is said to bring different good points or different not so good points, so some are said to be lucky or not so lucky."


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