[Joint Post] Senbazuru (A Thousand Origami Cranes)

Dec 31, 2010 15:54

The past three months have been busy for Tsuzuki, but delightfully so: for a few hours each day, he and Sophie have been sequestered in a corner of the main room, folding origami paper cranes and threading a loop of colored ribbon through each one, to hang them up. Some nights, he's sat up to late hours, folding more cranes and asking the plothole for more squares of colored paper, ranging in size from little squares about the size of a paper napkin to big pieces the size of a cardtable top. Who knew that a thousand paper cranes could take so much work, but it has been well worth all the effort -- and paper cuts, and trying to hide the cranes in boxes, since this is an Especially Secret Mission that the rest of the Mansion can't know about till New Year's Eve. It's gotten his mind off worrying about what Muraki might be trying to pull off. And he's wondering if, in helping Sophie make her wish, that one of his deepest dreams since he arrived here has come true, that his partner and soul mate has arrived, and he begs the gods that Sophie has her wish come true as well.

Sophie's wish is simple - as perhaps can be expected of a child her age. She did not wish for a poney (there are horses in the stables) or a new doll (she got one for Christmas), the little girl simply wanted to see her daddy happy, her mummy a little less worried. Her wish is only to remain a family, as they have been - and to not see them split again. She's never admitted it, but the child has a deep-seated fear of abandonment.

On New Year's Eve, both Tsuzuki and Sophie can be found hanging up cranes on long strings festooned across the ceiling, dangling them from light fixtures, thumb-tacking them from the lintels of doorways and window frames, spilling out into the hallway. He's in a festive mood, as he's been all week, and he can't wait to see the looks on people's faces when they see this festive -- and lucky -- sight. Sophie is a little more serious - she had to made an admission to Sugar about what her Secret Project was, in order to be in the common room tonight, and she's worried that it may have jinxed the whole thing. However, the little girl can easily be distracted.

[OOC: A joint-post-mingler-thingum, born of a collaboration between Sophie and Tsuzuki's typist! Have a Tsuzuki, a Sophie, both (feat. a Tsuzuki-Sophie-You arrangement) or comment with a partner on the paper crane invasion, as you wish. Simply state your intention as you tag in!]

lystra, !open post, zz:(dropped)armand st. just (novel), sophie rackham, asato tsuzuki, 11-12 (the prisoner), zz:(dropped)hisoka kurosaki

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