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dontcallmeser September 16 2010, 03:55:57 UTC
Speaking of Hounds.

This one (the real one) is outside, his greatsword at his hip at the moment, dressed lightly - which is to say, not in armor - and with an expression like a storm, if storms moved around and bore personal grudges. His ugly scars are clearly visible, and even without them, his stature and build are clearly Clegane if nothing else.

Just what Sandor always wanted. More Westerosis.


homely_sonja September 16 2010, 05:24:09 UTC
When Brienne spots Sandor, she freezes. From her vantage point, he looks huge, looks dangerous, but --

No helm. No armor. And so there's a Maid of Tarth staring very warily at you, Sandor.



dontcallmeser September 17 2010, 04:51:33 UTC
He feels the prickle between his shoulders of someone watching him and turns, his expression already rough and belligerent and fully prepared to snarl. And then he sees the woman staring at him - a big woman, muscular, and blond, and he feels like he recognizes her, but can't put a name to the face.

(At least, he thinks, somewhat ironically, it's not a Lannister, again. Or another Stark. But the way she's looking at him...)

Sandor doesn't quite bare his teeth, though it's a near thing. "What?"


homely_sonja September 17 2010, 19:47:22 UTC
Neither Lannister nor Stark, but certainly affiliated to both Houses, in a fashion. Not unlike you, Sandor. Not unlike you.

She's paling. Her sword hand twitches.

"Sandor Clegane," she manages to say - though her throat is tight. "Do you know me?" She's probably going to be honest to him about her quest.

She knows no better way to be.


dontcallmeser September 18 2010, 04:35:22 UTC
True, isn't it? Yes, definitely Westerosi. His mouth thins and his right hand works once, near to his sword hilt. At least it's not Loras either, another plus. "You seem familiar," he says, frankly, "Other than that, no. Should I?"

He's tense, clearly, muscles wound tight and ready to move.


homely_sonja September 18 2010, 20:48:31 UTC
She shakes her head. "We never met," she tells him quietly. "But you were easy to pick out."

A beat. A hesitation. She decides to take a chance.

"I am Brienne of Tarth."


dontcallmeser September 19 2010, 03:20:30 UTC
His mouth twitches, though it's most definitely not a smile. Not even close. And his eyes narrow. "Maid of Tarth. I've heard of you." Nothing good, but then again, not like he can talk. He doesn't lower his hand, instead even warier. "Once or twice. What do you want?"


homely_sonja September 19 2010, 21:58:21 UTC
She tries not to flinch - not at his face, but at the way he's looking at her. She can tell what's going on in his mind - the girl who killed Renly, there's the accusation, plain as day, and it makes her eyes water just to think of it.

"It doesn't matter now," she says quietly. "But it would have if we'd both survived, perhaps."

... which speaking of. I have a ~proposition~ for you. >.>


dontcallmeser September 20 2010, 03:16:09 UTC
Sandor does not care, Brienne. Sandor didn't like Renly any more than he likes anyone. Probably less. His mouth twitches, though, and he just looks at her.

"You're dead?" He says, finally.


homely_sonja September 20 2010, 04:35:18 UTC
Brienne nods, just once. Seeing Robb, being told Ned was here were enough to confirm any doubt that may have lingered in her mind.

"Aren't we all, Hound?" She's awkward. And dying to ask him Questions.


dontcallmeser September 20 2010, 04:40:52 UTC
He shrugs, once. "Been those here who haven't been, or at least say they aren't." Shortly, brusquely. He gives off a distinct air, at the moment, of 'I don't want to talk to you.' But then, he always does.


homely_sonja September 21 2010, 04:48:13 UTC
..... "They must be --" and she says, because she can't imagine him not knowing, and she's just -- blumbering and know really sure what she's doing (like the typist) and generally flaily about talking to Sandor Clegane.

"-- I was told that Lord Eddard Stark was here."


dontcallmeser September 22 2010, 03:43:37 UTC
Sandor's jaw tightens and he just jerks his head in a bare nod. "You heard right." Yay monosyllabic answers! But Sandor does not like Ned, does not like any Starks that are here, and would just as soon - well.

"I don't know where. You'll have to find him for yourself."


homely_sonja September 23 2010, 03:43:13 UTC
Brienne shrugs, she's feeling tired, suddenly. "I will," she replies after a bit."

A beat, then.

"I was sent to find his daughter," she manages to blurt out. "And thought to find you..." She stops short, it seems she might have more to say.

But I found your helm, instead.


dontcallmeser September 23 2010, 04:58:21 UTC
He just looks at her, waiting, his expression blank and flat. And finally says, "Sent by whom for which daughter?"

His voice is like gravel. But angrier.


homely_sonja September 24 2010, 03:20:52 UTC
"I swore to lady Catelyn that I would bring her daughters back to her," she says softly, shakily. Her eyes fill with tears.


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