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Comments 602

caniaskyouaqstn September 16 2010, 01:53:45 UTC
Will is heading back to the Mansion after practising archery out in the woods (gotta keep those skills sharp). When he notices Brienne, he stops. It appears there's somebody ~in distress~, and he heads over, ready to offer whatever assistance is necessary.

"Are you all right?" He asks as he approaches.


homely_sonja September 16 2010, 03:31:44 UTC
Brienne springs to her feet with the energy of despair. She didn't hear the question, just the knowledge that there was someone, anyone -- "Don't come any closer," she says, and reaches for her scabbard instinctively, only to find it empty.

She balls her fist. "I will fight. Where is Podrick? Where is Podrick? There was a boy, my squire, this high. Where is he?"

She's not quite herself. We're so sorry, Will.


caniaskyouaqstn September 16 2010, 04:18:43 UTC
Will doesn't come any closer. "I haven't seen him," he says. "Are you all right?"

It's obvious that Brienne isn't. The question is just a way of showing he's concerned and doesn't mean her any harm.


homely_sonja September 16 2010, 04:38:44 UTC
She looks around, eyes wild - and in her panic, misses the sword lying in the grass at her feet.

"Who are you - where did they all go?"


daddyissuesjnr September 16 2010, 03:16:26 UTC
Brienne might bump into Melou later. He's currently out in the grounds, not too far from the Mansion. He has his sword with him, but he's more playing than seriously practising, just swinging it about and watching the sun glinting off the blade.


homely_sonja September 16 2010, 03:35:00 UTC
At least he's not a grown man - it helps. And Brienne, having, we might assume, somehow got OathKeeper back, and a measure of calm, pauses, observing the lad's practice.

He's not bad - but he could be better. Something about the emotion in his technique... and well. Sheer strength and size, too - both an asset and a liability.

For now, Brienne only observes.


daddyissuesjnr September 16 2010, 04:06:14 UTC
Melou can tell he's being watched, but he doesn't give any indication that he's noticed. He puts more purpose into his swings, like he's seriously practising instead of just messing around. He's careful not to overdo it and make it obvious that he's showing off, but he is showing off, just subtly so.


homely_sonja September 16 2010, 04:40:36 UTC
Brienne isn't very intent on adressing him. At the same time....

She needs information on how to get back. Find Podrick (and deal with Hyle, augh) and resume the quest, damn it.

She's going to wait until he takes a break.


dontcallmeser September 16 2010, 03:55:57 UTC
Speaking of Hounds.

This one (the real one) is outside, his greatsword at his hip at the moment, dressed lightly - which is to say, not in armor - and with an expression like a storm, if storms moved around and bore personal grudges. His ugly scars are clearly visible, and even without them, his stature and build are clearly Clegane if nothing else.

Just what Sandor always wanted. More Westerosis.


homely_sonja September 16 2010, 05:24:09 UTC
When Brienne spots Sandor, she freezes. From her vantage point, he looks huge, looks dangerous, but --

No helm. No armor. And so there's a Maid of Tarth staring very warily at you, Sandor.



dontcallmeser September 17 2010, 04:51:33 UTC
He feels the prickle between his shoulders of someone watching him and turns, his expression already rough and belligerent and fully prepared to snarl. And then he sees the woman staring at him - a big woman, muscular, and blond, and he feels like he recognizes her, but can't put a name to the face.

(At least, he thinks, somewhat ironically, it's not a Lannister, again. Or another Stark. But the way she's looking at him...)

Sandor doesn't quite bare his teeth, though it's a near thing. "What?"


homely_sonja September 17 2010, 19:47:22 UTC
Neither Lannister nor Stark, but certainly affiliated to both Houses, in a fashion. Not unlike you, Sandor. Not unlike you.

She's paling. Her sword hand twitches.

"Sandor Clegane," she manages to say - though her throat is tight. "Do you know me?" She's probably going to be honest to him about her quest.

She knows no better way to be.


eldeststark September 16 2010, 03:58:56 UTC
Robb has been dead, as far as she knows, for several months. Thus, it may come as a surprise to her, if she is in the hallways, to turn a corner and find a huge wolf, pony sized, growling deep in his chest. And immediately followed by a red-haired young man stepping up to lay a hand on the wolf's back, half opening his mouth to apologize and then blinking.

Robb Stark looks simultaneously older and younger than he last did. There's still the heavy weight of known responsibility on his shoulders, and he still bears it well, for his youth, but his bearing is mostly lighter, freer. Might have to do with impending matrimony.

"--La - Ser," and that is still weird to think, "Brienne of Tarth?"


homely_sonja September 16 2010, 05:40:11 UTC
Brienne pales violently when she sees Robb, and has to reach and pinch herself to make sure she's not dreaming.

"-- My lord," she says, and drops to her knees immediately. "-- It is meet that you are alive."

And unexpected. And maybe -- oh, there's hope in her heart, now. So much hope.


eldeststark September 17 2010, 04:54:35 UTC
He blinks, and can't quite keep himself from saying, "No, I'm not," even as he drags Grey Wind to a sit. And tells him firmly to stay there. And then winces at his own words. "--my apologies. I don't mean to be -" It's been a long time since anyone bowed to him, and he very nearly shuffles, awkwardly.

"Rise, ser," he manages, with hastily mustered dignity. And then remembers what his mother sent this one away to do, and straightens, his eyes coming alive with hope.

"La- ser Brienne, have you - did you reach King's Landing? Have you found my sisters?" Last he heard - but no, perhaps she's from after, later on, and knows that they're all right, because they have to be.


homely_sonja September 17 2010, 19:43:36 UTC
Brienne's eyes fill with so much sadness. She shakes her head. "Not as of yet, Your Grace," she says softly. "And never, now, probably."

He's dead. He's dead, admitted to it, and therefore so is she. Her eyes fill with tears.

Robb Stark was never unkind to her. He would not be so cruel so as to play such games. Not him. Not Catelyn's son. Not -- she looks away.

"Forgive me, Your Grace."


needsmoarshiny September 16 2010, 04:02:39 UTC
Every Westerosi needs some Iskierka in their life.

Iskierka, who has just emerged dripping wet and steaming from the lake, and is thirty feet of red and orange and purple dragon, opening her mouth and coughing a jet of fire into the sky.

Welcome to the Mansion, Brienne.


homely_sonja September 16 2010, 05:36:30 UTC
There will never be enough WTF in the world to express what Brienne is thinking.

Because she did not have dragons on the brain. And is now... flipping out. And backing away slowly. Maybe if she's unnoticed, she can avoid the dragon.

Targaryen. That would explain a lot of things, wouldn't it?

Unfortunately, armor does not make for very efficient stealth.


needsmoarshiny September 17 2010, 04:56:59 UTC
And Iskierka spots her, and draws herself up. "Greetings," she says, her voice perfectly haughty and superior. She practices. "I suppose you've just gotten here?" I am the most important dragon you will ever meet. :D

She frowns a little, when she realizes Brienne is trying to sneak away. "And where are you going?" She wants to know, a little crossly.


homely_sonja September 17 2010, 19:41:09 UTC
dllkdfjldkjfldkjfdkjOMFGitTALKS. Pause.

... Gulps. Inward curse words that Brienne does not use out loud.

"To take my armor off," she says, without thinking.

Also, somewhere where there aren't any DRAGONS. What the hell.


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