[Open Post] Hangin' With a Nun

Sep 13, 2010 11:51

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us... Sorry God, but does it involve having your arm mangled by a crazy bitch and being humiliated? Cause that's pretty hard to forgive.

Eda takes a deep breath and opens her eyes, she now knows another reason why she is an atheist. She believes in revenge, whole heartedly. ( Read more... )

zz:(dropped)brian moser, zz:(dropped)reno, !open post, melou, zz:(dropped)adrian ivashkov, zz:(dropped)the doctor (ten), steerpike, zz:(dropped)eda (black lagoon), johnny rockfort, anita blake

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Comments 228

shinra_dog September 13 2010, 18:47:06 UTC
Reno passes by and does a double-take. "Shit, Eda, what the hell happened t' you?" he exclaims, approaching quickly with large strides.

He looks between the bloodied bandages and her face, his penetrating glare asking all the questions necessary.

Typist masochism... But I can't resist! Should be on Miles later.


nuns4money September 13 2010, 20:12:18 UTC
"Crazy bitch stabbed and molested me..."

She sighs, the truth hurts.

"However, I was chasing after her... and her partner."


shinra_dog September 13 2010, 22:02:59 UTC
Crazy bitch? Partner? Reno doesn't know nearly half the people at the Mansion, but he's going to go out on a limb and guess.

"Aramat Drawdes?" he snarls.


nuns4money September 14 2010, 00:12:55 UTC
She nods her head. "Yep. Batshit Scarlet herself. I'm gonna give her due though, for a lady who is probably five foot nothing and a hundred pounds soaking wet except for the hips, she knows her way around a knife. Still... she got lucky. My gun was jammed. And I have a fucking bone to pick with who did it."

"She doesn't feel pain like you and I. It... excites her. I dislocated her elbow and she popped it right back in. She had no look of pain on her face, that woman is a freak, and I've seen some freaks." She shivers.

In Aramat's favor, Eda attacked first. So she had to use self defense, also Eda tried to get information about Muraki out of her. Aramat didn't tell her anything.


johnny_rockfort September 14 2010, 03:27:02 UTC
Johnny wanders in, bottle in hand and cigarette lit at the corner of his lips. He notes the bandaged nun, eyebrows, but otherwise might go on along his way unless he's interrupted in his stride.

Don't think they ever actually met in canon, so...


nuns4money September 14 2010, 16:36:44 UTC
Eda may be injured, but that doesn't mean she isn't on the lookout for hot dudes. On the contary.

"Mmmm..." She says interestingly.


johnny_rockfort September 15 2010, 17:49:55 UTC
Johnny glances at the source of the noise and raises an eyebrow.



nuns4money September 16 2010, 16:02:53 UTC
Eda lowers her glasses a bit, showing off those glowing blues of hers. Yeah, she's trying to flirt.



not_snake_bite September 14 2010, 04:26:12 UTC
Steerpike is always happy to make new allies friends. And so will spot the injured "lady" and will promptly come to her.

"My lady? Is there aught I might do?"


nuns4money September 14 2010, 16:54:50 UTC
She doesn't mind.

Eda is caught by surprise by the kid. "Ummm, I don't know? Get me a beer?"

My laptop is currently... not agreeing with me, so can I trust you to pass on a message to Lise? Bring in Brian.XD


not_snake_bite September 15 2010, 18:16:55 UTC
"A beer, my lady? Would you rather not something more refined?"

So, as indicated - message delivered! ^^ Will be tagging tomorrow, though, I are dead.


nuns4money September 16 2010, 16:01:24 UTC
Eda wants to laugh so badly. Even the Agent wasn't that ladylike. And The Nun persona is her own up to eleven. Eda is about as refined as sawdust. And her best friend, is even less.

"No I'm serious, I want a beer."


daddyissuesjnr September 14 2010, 05:00:21 UTC
Melou is walking through, heading nowhere in particular, and he stops to stare at Eda. She's strangely dressed, to him. He's met a lot of strangely dressed people here, but he still hasn't gotten used to it. So he stares. And stares.


nuns4money September 14 2010, 16:56:36 UTC
This staring only gets one reaction from her...

"What the fuck are you looking at?"


daddyissuesjnr September 15 2010, 01:35:43 UTC
"You," Melou replies, and he doesn't look away. "I thought that was obvious."


nuns4money September 15 2010, 02:28:06 UTC
"Heh, I guess it is. Whats ya name, stare-boy?"


alwaysmovingon September 15 2010, 06:07:46 UTC
Speak of the devil...who says, pointedly, that you wouldn't have had a problem if you hadn't tried to shoot anyone, Eda. Though he might be a bit guilty. However, at the moment he's just wandering, thoughtful, focused on about six different things at once, none of which is the woman in the main room.

He probably should be noticing her, but that's the Doctor for you.


nuns4money September 15 2010, 14:33:55 UTC
As soon as she sees the Doctor, she calls him out. Just not in a way you'd expect.

"You jammed my gun, didn't you?"


alwaysmovingon September 16 2010, 03:48:07 UTC
He turns, eyes already wide in that way of his, though he's already answering, "Yes, I did, I did tell you I don't like guns-"

And then he notices the bandage on her arm, and his frown deepens. "You know," he adds, a bit carefully, "That...does not say much about your claim not to be an idiot. Now without a gun. --are you all right?"


nuns4money September 16 2010, 15:38:56 UTC
"I was stabbed and nearly molested by a crazy woman... HOW ALRIGHT DO YOU THINK I AM, YOU SKINNY LITTLE BASTARD! I was about to suffer something worse than death, because of your foolish fucking ideals!" She yells.

She sighs and calms down. "If I wasn't so sure that you weren't human, I'd snap your fucking neck right now. But I'm not."


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