[Open Post] Hangin' With a Nun

Sep 13, 2010 11:51

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us... Sorry God, but does it involve having your arm mangled by a crazy bitch and being humiliated? Cause that's pretty hard to forgive.

Eda takes a deep breath and opens her eyes, she now knows another reason why she is an atheist. She believes in revenge, whole heartedly. Still, Aramat and Muraki will have to wait. Eda doesn't want anger to completely take her over. Anger and stupidity are close cousins.

Eda sits in the main room in a quite modest outfit of a hunter green tank top and grey sweatpants, nervously chewing bubblegum. There's no use trying to look sexy when you're injured. (Unless someone is into that.) Her right arm is bandaged up, it was done by herself with one hand, so it's quite poorly done. Still, it stopped the blood flow. The shades are still on however, and the Nun persona is still in full fucking force. (She is pissed after all, the Agent is only merely disappointed.) Her jammed gun is still by her side. (Pistol-whipping is still an option.)

Here's a gunless, injured Eda for ya. Despite her mood, she'll be nice to most people. (Most meaning everyone that isn't Muraki or The Doctor. XD) She would also really appreciate if someone wrapped her bandages better.  Have fun! ^_^

zz:(dropped)brian moser, zz:(dropped)reno, !open post, melou, zz:(dropped)adrian ivashkov, zz:(dropped)the doctor (ten), steerpike, zz:(dropped)eda (black lagoon), johnny rockfort, anita blake

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